Source code for hpctestlib.sciapps.qespresso.benchmarks

"""ReFrame benchmark for QuantumESPRESSO"""
import os
from typing import TypeVar

import reframe as rfm
import reframe.utility.sanity as sn
from reframe.core.builtins import (performance_function, run_after, run_before,
from reframe.core.exceptions import SanityError
from reframe.core.parameters import TestParam as parameter
from reframe.core.variables import TestVar as variable

R = TypeVar('R')

  calculation  = "scf",
  prefix       = "Si",
  pseudo_dir   = ".",
  outdir       = "./out",
  restart_mode = "from_scratch"
  verbosity    = 'high'
  ibrav     = 2,
  celldm(1) = 10.2,
  nat       = 2,
  ntyp      = 1,
  nbnd      = {nbnd}
  ecutwfc   = {ecut}
  conv_thr    = 1.D-8,
  mixing_beta = 0.7D0,
 Si  28.086  {pseudo}
 Si 0.00 0.00 0.00
 Si 0.25 0.25 0.25
K_POINTS {{automatic}}
 15 15 15   0 0 0


[docs] @rfm.simple_test class QEspressoPWCheck(rfm.RunOnlyRegressionTest): """QuantumESPRESSO benchmark test. `QuantumESPRESSO <>`__ is an integrated suite of Open-Source computer codes for electronic-structure calculations and materials modeling at the nanoscale. The benchmarks consist of one input file templated inside the code and a pseudo-potential file that is downloaded from the official repository. This tests aims at measuring the scalability of the pw.x executable, in particular the FFT and diagonalization algorithms, by running a simple silicon calculation with high `ecut` (increases size of FFTs) and `nbnd` (increases size of matrices to diagonalize) values.""" #: Parametert to tests the performance of the FFTW algorithm, #: higher `ecut` implicates more FFTs #: #: :type: :class:`int` #: :values: ``[50, 150]`` ecut = parameter([50, 150], loggable=True) #: Parameter to Tests the performance of the diagonalization algorithm, #: higher `nbnd` implicates bigger matrices #: #: :type: :class:`int` #: :values: ``[10, 200]`` nbnd = parameter([10, 200], loggable=True) executable = 'pw.x' tags = {'sciapp', 'chemistry'} descr = 'QuantumESPRESSO pw.x benchmark' #: The name of the input file used. #: #: :type: :class:`str` #: :default: ``''`` input_name: str = variable(str, value='') #: The pseudo-potential file to be used check #: for more info #: #: :type: :class:`str` #: :default: ``'Si.pbe-n-kjpaw_psl.1.0.0.UPF'`` pp_name: str = variable(str, value='Si.pbe-n-kjpaw_psl.1.0.0.UPF')
[docs] @run_after('init') def prepare_test(self): """Hook to the set the downloading of the pseudo-potentials""" self.prerun_cmds = [( 'wget -q' f'{self.pp_name}' )] self.executable_opts += [f'-in {self.input_name}']
[docs] @run_after('setup') def write_input(self): """Write the input file for the calculation""" inp_file = os.path.join(self.stagedir, self.input_name) with open(inp_file, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as file: file.write( INPUT_TEMPLATE.format( ecut=self.ecut, nbnd=self.nbnd, pseudo=self.pp_name, ))
[docs] @staticmethod @sn.deferrable def extractsingle_or_val(*args, on_except_value: str = '0s') -> str: """Wrap extractsingle_or_val to return a default value if the regex is not found. Returns: str: The value of the regular expression """ try: res = sn.extractsingle(*args).evaluate() except SanityError: res = on_except_value return res
[docs] @staticmethod @sn.deferrable def convert_timings(timing: str) -> float: """Convert timings to seconds""" if timing is None: return 0 days, timing = (['0', '0'] + timing.split('d'))[-2:] hours, timing = (['0', '0'] + timing.split('h'))[-2:] minutes, timing = (['0', '0'] + timing.split('m'))[-2:] seconds = timing.split('s')[0] return ( float(days) * 86400 + float(hours) * 3600 + float(minutes) * 60 + float(seconds) )
[docs] @performance_function('s') def extract_report_time(self, name: str = None, kind: str = None) -> float: """Extract timings from pw.x stdout Args: name (str, optional): Name of the timing to extract. Defaults to None. kind (str, optional): Kind ('cpu' or 'wall) of timing to extract. Defaults to None. Raises: ValueError: If the kind is not 'cpu' or 'wall' Returns: float: The timing in seconds """ if kind is None: return 0 kind = kind.lower() if kind == 'cpu': tag = 1 elif kind == 'wall': tag = 2 else: raise ValueError(f'unknown kind: {kind}') # Possible formats # PWSCF : 4d 6h19m CPU 10d14h38m WALL # --> (Should also catch spaces) return self.convert_timings( self.extractsingle_or_val( fr'{name}\s+:\s+(.+)\s+CPU\s+(.+)\s+WALL', self.stdout, tag, str ))
[docs] @run_before('performance') def set_perf_variables(self): """Build a dictionary of performance variables""" timings = [ 'PWSCF', 'electrons', 'c_bands', 'cegterg', 'calbec', 'fft', 'ffts', 'fftw' ] for name in timings: for kind in ['cpu', 'wall']: res = self.extract_report_time(name, kind) self.perf_variables[f'{name}_{kind}'] = res
[docs] @sanity_function def assert_job_finished(self): """Check if the job finished successfully""" return sn.assert_found(r'JOB DONE', self.stdout)