Source code for reframe.core.containers
# Copyright 2016-2024 Swiss National Supercomputing Centre (CSCS/ETH Zurich)
# ReFrame Project Developers. See the top-level LICENSE file for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
import abc
import reframe.core.fields as fields
import reframe.utility as util
import reframe.utility.typecheck as typ
_STAGEDIR_MOUNT = '/rfm_workdir'
class ContainerPlatform(abc.ABC):
'''The abstract base class of any container platform.'''
#: The default mount location of the test case stage directory inside the
#: container
#: The container image to be used for running the test.
#: :type: :class:`str` or :class:`None`
#: :default: :class:`None`
image = fields.TypedField(str, type(None))
#: The command to be executed within the container.
#: If no command is given, then the default command of the corresponding
#: container image is going to be executed.
#: .. versionadded:: 3.5.0
#: Changed the attribute name from `commands` to `command` and its type
#: to a string.
#: :type: :class:`str` or :class:`None`
#: :default: :class:`None`
command = fields.TypedField(str, type(None))
#: Pull the container image before running.
#: This does not have any effect for the `Singularity` container platform.
#: .. versionadded:: 3.5
#: :type: :class:`bool`
#: :default: ``True``
pull_image = fields.TypedField(bool)
#: List of mount point pairs for directories to mount inside the container.
#: Each mount point is specified as a tuple of
#: ``(/path/in/host, /path/in/container)``. The stage directory of the
#: ReFrame test is always mounted under ``/rfm_workdir`` inside the
#: container, independelty of this field.
#: :type: :class:`list[tuple[str, str]]`
#: :default: ``[]``
mount_points = fields.TypedField(typ.List[typ.Tuple[str, str]])
#: Additional options to be passed to the container runtime when executed.
#: :type: :class:`list[str]`
#: :default: ``[]``
options = fields.TypedField(typ.List[str])
#: The working directory of ReFrame inside the container.
#: This is the directory where the test's stage directory is mounted inside
#: the container. This directory is always mounted regardless if
#: :attr:`mount_points` is set or not.
#: :type: :class:`str`
#: :default: ``/rfm_workdir``
#: .. versionchanged:: 3.12.0
#: This attribute is no more deprecated.
workdir = fields.TypedField(str, type(None))
def __init__(self):
self.image = None
self.command = None
self.workdir = _STAGEDIR_MOUNT
self.mount_points = []
self.options = []
self.pull_image = True
def emit_prepare_commands(self, stagedir):
'''Returns commands for preparing this container for running.
Such a command could be for pulling the container image from a
.. note:
This method is relevant only to developers of new container
platform backends.
:meta private:
:arg stagedir: The stage directory of the test.
def launch_command(self, stagedir):
'''Returns the command for running :attr:`commands` with this container
.. note:
This method is relevant only to developers of new container
:meta private:
:arg stagedir: The stage directory of the test.
def create(cls, name):
'''Factory method to create a new container by name.'''
name = name.capitalize()
return globals()[name]()
except KeyError:
raise ValueError(f'unknown container platform: {name}') from None
def create_from(cls, name, other):
new = cls.create(name)
new.image = other.image
new.command = other.command
new.mount_points = other.mount_points
new.options = other.options
new.pull_image = other.pull_image
new.workdir = other.workdir
return new
def name(self):
return type(self).__name__
def __str__(self):
def __rfm_json_encode__(self):
return str(self)
class Docker(ContainerPlatform):
'''Container platform backend for running containers with `Docker
def emit_prepare_commands(self, stagedir):
return [f'docker pull {self.image}'] if self.pull_image else []
def launch_command(self, stagedir):
mount_points = self.mount_points + [(stagedir, _STAGEDIR_MOUNT)]
run_opts = [f'-v "{mp[0]}":"{mp[1]}"' for mp in mount_points]
if self.workdir:
run_opts.append(f'-w {self.workdir}')
run_opts += self.options
if self.command:
return (f'docker run --rm {" ".join(run_opts)} '
f'{self.image} {self.command}')
return f'docker run --rm {" ".join(run_opts)} {self.image}'
class Sarus(ContainerPlatform):
'''Container platform backend for running containers with `Sarus
#: Enable MPI support when launching the container.
#: :type: boolean
#: :default: :class:`False`
with_mpi = fields.TypedField(bool)
def __init__(self):
self.with_mpi = False
self._command = 'sarus'
def emit_prepare_commands(self, stagedir):
# The format that Sarus uses to call the images is
# <reposerver>/<user>/<image>:<tag>. If an image was loaded
# locally from a tar file, the <reposerver> is 'load'.
if (not self.pull_image or not self.image or
return []
return [f'{self._command} pull {self.image}']
def launch_command(self, stagedir):
mount_points = self.mount_points + [(stagedir, _STAGEDIR_MOUNT)]
run_opts = [f'--mount=type=bind,source="{mp[0]}",destination="{mp[1]}"'
for mp in mount_points]
if self.with_mpi:
if self.workdir:
run_opts.append(f'-w {self.workdir}')
run_opts += self.options
if self.command:
return (f'{self._command} run {" ".join(run_opts)} {self.image} '
return f'{self._command} run {" ".join(run_opts)} {self.image}'
class Shifter(Sarus):
'''Container platform backend for running containers with `Shifter
def __init__(self):
self._command = 'shifter'
def launch_command(self, stagedir):
# Temporarily change `workdir`, since Sarus and Shifter have otherwise
# the same interface
with util.temp_setattr(self, 'workdir', None):
return super().launch_command(stagedir)
class Singularity(ContainerPlatform):
'''Container platform backend for running containers with `Singularity
#: Enable CUDA support when launching the container.
#: :type: boolean
#: :default: :class:`False`
with_cuda = fields.TypedField(bool)
def __init__(self):
self.with_cuda = False
self._launch_command = 'singularity'
def emit_prepare_commands(self, stagedir):
return []
def launch_command(self, stagedir):
mount_points = self.mount_points + [(stagedir, _STAGEDIR_MOUNT)]
run_opts = [f'-B"{mp[0]}:{mp[1]}"' for mp in mount_points]
if self.with_cuda:
if self.workdir:
run_opts.append(f'--pwd {self.workdir}')
run_opts += self.options
if self.command:
return (f'{self._launch_command} exec {" ".join(run_opts)} '
f'{self.image} {self.command}')
return f'{self._launch_command} run {" ".join(run_opts)} {self.image}'
class Apptainer(Singularity):
'''Container platform backend for running containers with `Apptainer
.. versionadded:: 4.0.0
def __init__(self):
self._launch_command = 'apptainer'
class ContainerPlatformField(fields.TypedField):
def __init__(self, *other_types):
super().__init__(ContainerPlatform, *other_types)
def __set__(self, obj, value):
if isinstance(value, str):
value = ContainerPlatform.create(value)
return super().__set__(obj, value)