Source code for reframe.core.environments

import errno
import os

import reframe.core.debug as debug
import reframe.core.fields as fields
import reframe.utility.os_ext as os_ext
from reframe.core.exceptions import (EnvironError, SpawnedProcessError,
from reframe.core.modules import get_modules_system

[docs]class Environment: """This class abstracts away an environment to run regression tests. It is simply a collection of modules to be loaded and environment variables to be set when this environment is loaded by the framework. Users may not create or modify directly environments. """ name = fields.NonWhitespaceField('name') modules = fields.TypedListField('modules', str) variables = fields.TypedDictField('variables', str, str) def __init__(self, name, modules=[], variables={}, **kwargs): self._name = name self._modules = list(modules) self._variables = dict(variables) self._loaded = False self._saved_variables = {} self._conflicted = [] self._preloaded = set() self._load_stmts = [] @property def name(self): """The name of this environment. :type: :class:`str` """ return self._name @property def modules(self): """The modules associated with this environment. :type: :class:`list` of :class:`str` """ return self._modules @property def variables(self): """The environment variables associated with this environment. :type: dictionary of :class:`str` keys/values. """ return self._variables @property def is_loaded(self): """:class:`True` if this environment is loaded, :class:`False` otherwise. """ return self._loaded # Add module to the list of modules to be loaded. def add_module(self, name): self._modules.append(name) # Set environment variable to name. # # If variable exists, its value will be saved internally and restored # during unloading. def set_variable(self, name, value): self._variables[name] = value def load(self): # conflicted module list must be filled at the time of load for m in self._modules: if get_modules_system().is_module_loaded(m): self._preloaded.add(m) self._conflicted += get_modules_system().load_module(m, force=True) for conflict in self._conflicted: stmts = get_modules_system().emit_unload_commands(conflict) self._load_stmts += stmts self._load_stmts += get_modules_system().emit_load_commands(m) for k, v in self._variables.items(): if k in os.environ: self._saved_variables[k] = os.environ[k] os.environ[k] = os.path.expandvars(v) self._loaded = True def unload(self): if not self._loaded: return for k, v in self._variables.items(): if k in self._saved_variables: os.environ[k] = self._saved_variables[k] elif k in os.environ: del os.environ[k] # Unload modules in reverse order for m in reversed(self._modules): if m not in self._preloaded: get_modules_system().unload_module(m) # Reload the conflicted packages, previously removed for m in self._conflicted: get_modules_system().load_module(m) self._loaded = False def emit_load_instructions(self, builder): for stmt in self._load_stmts: builder.verbatim(stmt) for k, v in self._variables.items(): builder.set_variable(k, v, export=True) # FIXME: Does not correspond to the actual process in unload() def emit_unload_instructions(self, builder): for k, v in self._variables.items(): builder.unset_variable(k) for m in self._modules: builder.verbatim('module unload %s' % m) for m in self._conflicted: builder.verbatim('module load %s' % m) def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, type(self)): return NotImplemented return (self._name == other._name and set(self._modules) == set(other._modules) and self._variables == other._variables) def __repr__(self): return debug.repr(self) def __str__(self): ret = "{0}(name='{1}', modules={2}, variables={3})" return ret.format(type(self).__name__,, self.modules, self.variables)
def swap_environments(src, dst): src.unload() dst.load() class EnvironmentSnapshot(Environment): def __init__(self, name='env_snapshot'): self._name = name self._modules = get_modules_system().loaded_modules() self._variables = dict(os.environ) self._conflicted = [] def add_module(self, name): raise EnvironError('environment snapshot is read-only') def set_variable(self, name, value): raise EnvironError('environment snapshot is read-only') def load(self): os.environ.clear() os.environ.update(self._variables) self._loaded = True def unload(self): raise EnvironError('cannot unload an environment snapshot')
[docs]class save_environment: """A context manager for saving and restoring the current environment.""" def __init__(self): self.environ_save = EnvironmentSnapshot() def __enter__(self): return self.environ_save def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): # Restore the environment and propagate any exception thrown self.environ_save.load()
[docs]class ProgEnvironment(Environment): """A class representing a programming environment. This type of environment adds also attributes for setting the compiler and compilation flags. If compilation flags are set to :class:`None` (the default, if not set otherwise in ReFrame's `configuration <configure.html#environments-configuration>`__), they are not passed to the ``make`` invocation. If you want to disable completely the propagation of the compilation flags to the ``make`` invocation, even if they are set, you should set the :attr:`propagate` attribute to :class:`False`. """ #: The C compiler of this programming environment. #: #: :type: :class:`str` cc = fields.StringField('cc') #: The C++ compiler of this programming environment. #: #: :type: :class:`str` or :class:`None` cxx = fields.StringField('cxx', allow_none=True) #: The Fortran compiler of this programming environment. #: #: :type: :class:`str` or :class:`None` ftn = fields.StringField('ftn', allow_none=True) #: The preprocessor flags of this programming environment. #: #: :type: :class:`str` or :class:`None` cppflags = fields.StringField('cppflags', allow_none=True) #: The C compiler flags of this programming environment. #: #: :type: :class:`str` or :class:`None` cflags = fields.StringField('cflags', allow_none=True) #: The C++ compiler flags of this programming environment. #: #: :type: :class:`str` or :class:`None` cxxflags = fields.StringField('cxxflags', allow_none=True) #: The Fortran compiler flags of this programming environment. #: #: :type: :class:`str` or :class:`None` fflags = fields.StringField('fflags', allow_none=True) #: The linker flags of this programming environment. #: #: :type: :class:`str` or :class:`None` ldflags = fields.StringField('ldflags', allow_none=True) #: The include search path of this programming environment. #: #: :type: :class:`list` of :class:`str` #: :default: ``[]`` include_search_path = fields.TypedListField('include_search_path', str) #: Propagate the compilation flags to the ``make`` invocation. #: #: :type: :class:`bool` #: :default: :class:`True` propagate = fields.BooleanField('propagate') def __init__(self, name, modules=[], variables={}, cc='cc', cxx='CC', ftn='ftn', cppflags=None, cflags=None, cxxflags=None, fflags=None, ldflags=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(name, modules, variables) = cc self.cxx = cxx self.ftn = ftn self.cppflags = cppflags self.cflags = cflags self.cxxflags = cxxflags self.fflags = fflags self.ldflags = ldflags self.include_search_path = [] self.propagate = True def guess_language(self, filename): ext = filename.split('.')[-1] if ext in ['c']: return 'C' if ext in ['cc', 'cp', 'cxx', 'cpp', 'CPP', 'c++', 'C']: return 'C++' if ext in ['f', 'for', 'ftn', 'F', 'FOR', 'fpp', 'FPP', 'FTN', 'f90', 'f95', 'f03', 'f08', 'F90', 'F95', 'F03', 'F08']: return 'Fortran' if ext in ['cu']: return 'CUDA' def compile(self, sourcepath, makefile=None, executable=None, lang=None, options=''): if not os.path.exists(sourcepath): raise FileNotFoundError(errno.ENOENT, os.strerror(errno.ENOENT), sourcepath) if os.path.isdir(sourcepath): return self._compile_dir(sourcepath, makefile, options) else: return self._compile_file(sourcepath, executable, lang, options) def _compile_file(self, source_file, executable, lang, options): if not executable: # default executable, same as source_file without the extension executable = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(source_file), source_file.rsplit('.')[:-1][0]) if not lang: lang = self.guess_language(source_file) # Replace None's with empty strings cppflags = self.cppflags or '' cflags = self.cflags or '' cxxflags = self.cxxflags or '' fflags = self.fflags or '' ldflags = self.ldflags or '' flags = [cppflags] if lang == 'C': compiler = flags.append(cflags) elif lang == 'C++': compiler = self.cxx flags.append(cxxflags) elif lang == 'Fortran': compiler = self.ftn flags.append(fflags) elif lang == 'CUDA': compiler = 'nvcc' flags.append(cxxflags) else: raise EnvironError('Unknown language: %s' % lang) # Append include search path flags += ['-I' + d for d in self.include_search_path] cmd = ('%s %s %s -o %s %s %s' % (compiler, ' '.join(flags), source_file, executable, ldflags, options)) try: return os_ext.run_command(cmd, check=True) except SpawnedProcessError as e: # Re-raise as compilation error raise CompilationError(command=e.command, stdout=e.stdout, stderr=e.stderr, exitcode=e.exitcode) from None def _compile_dir(self, source_dir, makefile, options): if makefile: cmd = 'make -C %s -f %s %s ' % (source_dir, makefile, options) else: cmd = 'make -C %s %s ' % (source_dir, options) # Pass a set of predefined options to the Makefile if self.propagate: flags = ["CC='%s'" %, "CXX='%s'" % self.cxx, "FC='%s'" % self.ftn] # Explicitly check against None here; the user may explicitly want # to clear the flags if self.cppflags is not None: flags.append("CPPFLAGS='%s'" % self.cppflags) if self.cflags is not None: flags.append("CFLAGS='%s'" % self.cflags) if self.cxxflags is not None: flags.append("CXXFLAGS='%s'" % self.cxxflags) if self.fflags is not None: flags.append("FFLAGS='%s'" % self.fflags) if self.ldflags is not None: flags.append("LDFLAGS='%s'" % self.ldflags) cmd += ' '.join(flags) try: return os_ext.run_command(cmd, check=True) except SpawnedProcessError as e: # Re-raise as compilation error raise CompilationError(command=e.command, stdout=e.stdout, stderr=e.stderr, exitcode=e.exitcode) from None