How Test Dependencies Work In ReFrame

Before going into details on how ReFrame treats test dependencies, it is important to understand how tests are actually treated and executed by the runtime. Normally, a ReFrame test will be tried for different programming environments and different partitions within the same ReFrame run. These are defined in the test’s __init__() method, but it is not this original object that is being executed by the regression test pipeline. The following figure explains in more detail the process:

How ReFrame loads and schedules tests for execution.

When ReFrame loads a test from the disk it unconditionally constructs it executing its __init__() method. The practical implication of this is that your test will be instantiated even if it will not run on the current system. After all the tests are loaded, they are filtered based on the current system and any other criteria (such as programming environment, test attributes etc.) specified by the user (see Filtering of Regression Tests for more details). After the tests are filtered, ReFrame creates the actual test cases to be run. A test case is essentially a tuple consisting of the test, the system partition and the programming environment to try. The test that goes into a test case is essentially a clone of the original test that was instantiated upon loading. This ensures that the test case’s state is not shared and may not be reused in any case. Finally, the generated test cases are passed to a runner that is responsible for scheduling them for execution based on the selected execution policy.

Dependencies in ReFrame are defined at the test level using the depends_on() function, but are projected to the test cases space. We will see the rules of that projection in a while. The dependency graph construction and the subsequent dependency analysis happen also at the level of the test cases.

Let’s assume that test T1 depends in T0. This can be expressed inside T1 using the depends_on() method:

class T1(rfm.RegressionTest):
    def __init__(self):

Conceptually, this dependency can be viewed at the test level as follows:

Simple test dependency presented conceptually.

For most of the cases, this is sufficient to reason about test dependencies. In reality, as mentioned above, dependencies are handled at the level of test cases. Test cases on different partitions are always independent. If not specified differently, test cases using programming environments are also independent. This is the default behavior of the depends_on() function. The following image shows the actual test case dependencies assuming that both tests support the E0 and E1 programming environments (for simplicity, we have omitted the partitions, since tests are always independent in that dimension):

Test case dependencies by environment (default).

This means that test cases of T1 may start executing before all test cases of T0 have finished. You can impose a stricter dependency between tests, such that T1 does not start execution unless all test cases of T0 have finished. You can achieve this as follows:

class T1(rfm.RegressionTest):
    def __init__(self):
        self.depends_on('T0', how=rfm.DEPEND_FULLY)

This will create the following test case graph:

Fully dependent test cases.

You may also create arbitrary dependencies between the test cases of different tests, like in the following example, where the dependencies cannot be represented in any of the other two ways:

Arbitrary test cases dependencies

These dependencies can be achieved as follows:

class T1(rfm.RegressionTest):
    def __init__(self):
        self.depends_on('T0', how=rfm.DEPEND_EXACT,
                        subdeps={'E0': ['E0', 'E1'], 'E1': ['E1']})

The subdeps argument defines the sub-dependencies between the test cases of T1 and T0 using an adjacency list representation.

Cyclic dependencies

Obviously, cyclic dependencies between test cases are not allowed. Cyclic dependencies between tests are not allowed either, even if the test case dependency graph is acyclic. For example, the following dependency set up is invalid:

Any cyclic dependencies between tests are not allowed, even if the underlying test case dependencies are not forming a cycle.

The test case dependencies here, clearly, do not form a cycle, but the edge from (T0, E0) to (T1, E1) introduces a dependency from T0 to T1 forming a cycle at the test level. The reason we impose this restriction is that we wanted to keep the original processing of tests by ReFrame, where all the test cases of a test are processed before moving to the next one. Supporting this type of dependencies would require to change substantially ReFrame’s output.

Dangling dependencies

In our discussion so far, T0 and T1 had the same valid programming environments. What happens if they do not? Assume, for example, that T0 and T1 are defined as follows:

import reframe as rfm
import reframe.utility.sanity as sn

class T0(rfm.RegressionTest):
    def __init__(self):
        self.valid_systems = ['P0']
        self.valid_prog_environs = ['E0']

class T1(rfm.RegressionTest):
    def __init__(self):
        self.valid_systems = ['P0']
        self.valid_prog_environs = ['E0', 'E1']

As discussed previously, depends_on() will create one-to-one dependencies between the different programming environment test cases. So in this case it will try to create an edge from (T1, E1) to (T0, E1) as shown below:

When the target test is valid for less programming environments than the source test, a dangling dependency would be created.

This edge cannot be resolved since the target test case does not exist. ReFrame will complain and issue an error while trying to build the test dependency graph. The remedy to this is to use either DEPEND_FULLY or pass the exact dependencies with DEPEND_EXACT to depends_on().

If T0 and T1 had their valid_prog_environs swapped, such that T0 supported E0 and E1 and T1 supported only E0, the default depends_on() mode would work fine. The (T0, E1) test case would simply have no dependent test cases.

Resolving dependencies

As shown in the tutorial, test dependencies would be of limited usage if you were not able to use the results or information of the target tests. Let’s reiterate over the set_executable() function of the OSULatencyTest that we presented previously:

    def set_executable(self, OSUBuildTest):
        self.executable = os.path.join(
            'osu-micro-benchmarks-5.6.2', 'mpi', 'pt2pt', 'osu_latency'
        self.executable_opts = ['-x', '100', '-i', '1000']

The @require_deps decorator does some magic – we will unravel this shortly – with the function arguments of the set_executable() function and binds them to the target test dependencies by their name. However, as discussed in this section, dependencies are defined at test case level, so the OSUBuildTest function argument is bound to a special function that allows you to retrieve an actual test case of the target dependency. This is why you need to “call” OSUBuildTest in order to retrieve the desired test case. When no arguments are passed, this will retrieve the test case corresponding to the current partition and the current programming environment. We could always retrieve the PrgEnv-gnu case by writing OSUBuildTest('PrgEnv-gnu'). If a dependency cannot be resolved, because it is invalid, a runtime error will be thrown with an appropriate message.

The low-level method for retrieving a dependency is the getdep() method of the RegressionTest. In fact, you can rewrite set_executable() function as follows:

def set_executable(self):
    target = self.getdep('OSUBuildTest')
    self.executable = os.path.join(
        'osu-micro-benchmarks-5.6.2', 'mpi', 'pt2pt', 'osu_latency'
    self.executable_opts = ['-x', '100', '-i', '1000']

Now it’s easier to understand what the @require_deps decorator does behind the scenes. It binds the function arguments to a partial realization of the getdep() function and attaches the decorated function as an after-setup hook. In fact, any @require_deps-decorated function will be invoked before any other after-setup hook.