Source code for

# Copyright 2016-2020 Swiss National Supercomputing Centre (CSCS/ETH Zurich)
# ReFrame Project Developers. See the top-level LICENSE file for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause

import json
import re

import reframe.utility as utility
from reframe.core.backends import (getlauncher, getscheduler)
from reframe.core.modules import ModulesSystem
from reframe.core.environments import (Environment, ProgEnvironment)

[docs]class SystemPartition: '''A representation of a system partition inside ReFrame. .. warning:: Users may not create :class:`SystemPartition` objects directly. ''' def __init__(self, parent, name, scheduler, launcher, descr, access, container_environs, resources, local_env, environs, max_jobs): self._parent_system = parent self._name = name self._scheduler = scheduler self._launcher = launcher self._descr = descr self._access = access self._container_environs = container_environs self._local_env = local_env self._environs = environs self._max_jobs = max_jobs self._resources = {r['name']: r['options'] for r in resources} @property def access(self): '''The scheduler options for accessing this system partition. :type: :class:`List[str]` ''' return utility.SequenceView(self._access) @property def descr(self): '''The description of this partition. :type: :class:`str` ''' return self._descr @property def environs(self): '''The programming environments associated with this system partition. :type: :class:`List[ProgEnvironment]` ''' return utility.SequenceView(self._environs) @property def container_environs(self): '''Environments associated with the different container platforms. :type: :class:`Dict[str, Environment]` ''' return utility.MappingView(self._container_environs) @property def fullname(self): '''Return the fully-qualified name of this partition. The fully-qualified name is of the form ``<parent-system-name>:<partition-name>``. :type: :class:`str` ''' return f'{self._parent_system}:{self._name}' @property def local_env(self): '''The local environment associated with this partition. :type: :class:`Environment` ''' return self._local_env @property def max_jobs(self): '''The maximum number of concurrent jobs allowed on this partition. :type: integral ''' return self._max_jobs @property def name(self): '''The name of this partition. :type: :class:`str` ''' return self._name @property def resources(self): '''The resources template strings associated with this partition. This is a dictionary, where the key is the name of a resource and the value is the scheduler options or directives associated with this resource. :type: :class:`Dict[str, List[str]]` ''' return utility.MappingView(self._resources) @property def scheduler(self): '''The type of the backend scheduler of this partition. :returns: a subclass of :class:`reframe.core.schedulers.JobScheduler`. .. note:: .. versionchanged:: 2.8 Prior versions returned a string representing the scheduler and job launcher combination. ''' return self._scheduler @property def launcher(self): '''The type of the backend launcher of this partition. .. versionadded:: 2.8 :returns: a subclass of :class:`reframe.core.launchers.JobLauncher`. ''' return self._launcher def get_resource(self, name, **values): '''Instantiate managed resource ``name`` with ``value``. :meta private: ''' ret = [] for r in self._resources.get(name, []): try: ret.append(r.format(**values)) except KeyError: pass return ret
[docs] def environment(self, name): '''Return the partition environment named ``name``.''' for e in self.environs: if == name: return e return None
def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, type(self)): return NotImplemented return (self._name == and self._scheduler == other._scheduler and self._launcher == other._launcher and self._access == other._access and self._environs == other._environs and self._resources == other._resources and self._local_env == other._local_env)
[docs] def json(self): '''Return a JSON object representing this system partition.''' return { 'name': self._name, 'descr': self._descr, 'scheduler': self._scheduler.registered_name, 'launcher': self._launcher.registered_name, 'access': self._access, 'container_platforms': [ { 'type': ctype, 'modules': [m for m in cpenv.modules], 'variables': [[n, v] for n, v in cpenv.variables.items()] } for ctype, cpenv in self._container_environs.items() ], 'modules': [m for m in self._local_env.modules], 'variables': [[n, v] for n, v in self._local_env.variables.items()], 'environs': [ for e in self._environs], 'max_jobs': self._max_jobs, 'resources': [ { 'name': name, 'options': options } for name, options in self._resources.items() ] }
def __str__(self): return json.dumps(self.json(), indent=2)
[docs]class System: '''A representation of a system inside ReFrame. .. warning:: Users may not create :class:`System` objects directly. ''' def __init__(self, name, descr, hostnames, modules_system, preload_env, prefix, outputdir, resourcesdir, stagedir, partitions): self._name = name self._descr = descr self._hostnames = hostnames self._modules_system = ModulesSystem.create(modules_system) self._preload_env = preload_env self._prefix = prefix self._outputdir = outputdir self._resourcesdir = resourcesdir self._stagedir = stagedir self._partitions = partitions @classmethod def create(cls, site_config): # Create the whole system hierarchy from bottom up sysname = site_config.get('systems/0/name') partitions = [] config_save = site_config.subconfig_system for p in site_config.get('systems/0/partitions'): site_config.select_subconfig(f'{sysname}:{p["name"]}') partid = f"systems/0/partitions/@{p['name']}" part_name = site_config.get(f'{partid}/name') part_sched = getscheduler(site_config.get(f'{partid}/scheduler')) part_launcher = getlauncher(site_config.get(f'{partid}/launcher')) part_container_environs = {} for i, p in enumerate( site_config.get(f'{partid}/container_platforms') ): ctype = p['type'] part_container_environs[ctype] = Environment( name=f'__rfm_env_{ctype}', modules=site_config.get( f'{partid}/container_platforms/{i}/modules' ), variables=site_config.get( f'{partid}/container_platforms/{i}/variables' ) ) part_environs = [ ProgEnvironment( name=e, modules=site_config.get(f'environments/@{e}/modules'), variables=site_config.get(f'environments/@{e}/variables'), cc=site_config.get(f'environments/@{e}/cc'), cxx=site_config.get(f'environments/@{e}/cxx'), ftn=site_config.get(f'environments/@{e}/ftn'), cppflags=site_config.get(f'environments/@{e}/cppflags'), cflags=site_config.get(f'environments/@{e}/cflags'), cxxflags=site_config.get(f'environments/@{e}/cxxflags'), fflags=site_config.get(f'environments/@{e}/fflags'), ldflags=site_config.get(f'environments/@{e}/ldflags') ) for e in site_config.get(f'{partid}/environs') ] partitions.append( SystemPartition( parent=site_config.get('systems/0/name'), name=part_name, scheduler=part_sched, launcher=part_launcher, descr=site_config.get(f'{partid}/descr'), access=site_config.get(f'{partid}/access'), resources=site_config.get(f'{partid}/resources'), environs=part_environs, container_environs=part_container_environs, local_env=Environment( name=f'__rfm_env_{part_name}', modules=site_config.get(f'{partid}/modules'), variables=site_config.get(f'{partid}/variables') ), max_jobs=site_config.get(f'{partid}/max_jobs') ) ) # Restore configuration site_config.select_subconfig(config_save) return System( name=sysname, descr=site_config.get('systems/0/descr'), hostnames=site_config.get('systems/0/hostnames'), modules_system=site_config.get('systems/0/modules_system'), preload_env=Environment( name=f'__rfm_env_{sysname}', modules=site_config.get('systems/0/modules'), variables=site_config.get('systems/0/variables') ), prefix=site_config.get('systems/0/prefix'), outputdir=site_config.get('systems/0/outputdir'), resourcesdir=site_config.get('systems/0/resourcesdir'), stagedir=site_config.get('systems/0/stagedir'), partitions=partitions ) @property def name(self): '''The name of this system. :type: :class:`str` ''' return self._name @property def descr(self): '''The description of this system. :type: :class:`str` ''' return self._descr @property def hostnames(self): '''The hostname patterns associated with this system. :type: :class:`List[str]` ''' return self._hostnames @property def modules_system(self): '''The modules system name associated with this system. :type: :class:`reframe.core.modules.ModulesSystem` ''' return self._modules_system @property def preload_environ(self): '''The environment to load whenever ReFrame runs on this system. .. versionadded:: 2.19 :type: :class:`reframe.core.environments.Environment` ''' return self._preload_env @property def prefix(self): '''The ReFrame prefix associated with this system. :type: :class:`str` ''' return self._prefix @property def stagedir(self): '''The ReFrame stage directory prefix associated with this system. :type: :class:`str` ''' return self._stagedir @property def outputdir(self): '''The ReFrame output directory prefix associated with this system. :type: :class:`str` ''' return self._outputdir @property def resourcesdir(self): '''Global resources directory for this system. This directory may be used for storing large files related to regression tests. The value of this directory is controlled by the `resourcesdir <[].resourcesdir>`__ configuration parameter. :type: :class:`str` ''' return self._resourcesdir @property def partitions(self): '''The system partitions associated with this system. :type: :class:`List[SystemPartition]` ''' return utility.SequenceView(self._partitions) def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, type(self)): return NotImplemented return (self._name == other._name and self._hostnames == other._hostnames and self._partitions == other._partitions)
[docs] def json(self): '''Return a JSON object representing this system.''' return { 'name': self._name, 'descr': self._descr, 'hostnames': self._hostnames, 'modules_system':, 'modules': [ for m in self._preload_env.modules], 'variables': [ [name, value] for name, value in self._preload_env.variables.items() ], 'prefix': self._prefix, 'outputdir': self._outputdir, 'stagedir': self._stagedir, 'resourcesdir': self._resourcesdir, 'partitions': [p.json() for p in self._partitions] }
def __str__(self): return json.dumps(self.json(), indent=2) def __repr__(self): return ( f'{type(self).__name__}( ' f'name={self._name!r}, descr={self._descr!r}, ' f'hostnames={self._hostnames!r}, ' f'modules_system={!r}, ' f'preload_env={self._preload_env!r}, prefix={self._prefix!r}, ' f'outputdir={self._outputdir!r}, ' f'resourcesdir={self._resourcesdir!r}, ' f'stagedir={self._stagedir!r}, partitions={self._partitions!r})' )