Source code for

# Copyright 2016-2022 Swiss National Supercomputing Centre (CSCS/ETH Zurich)
# ReFrame Project Developers. See the top-level LICENSE file for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause

import re
import json

import reframe.utility as util
import reframe.utility.jsonext as jsonext
from reframe.core.backends import (getlauncher, getscheduler)
from reframe.core.environments import (Environment, ProgEnvironment)
from reframe.core.logging import getlogger
from reframe.core.modules import ModulesSystem

class _ReadOnlyInfo:
    __slots__ = ('_info',)
    _known_attrs = ()

    def __init__(self, info):
        self._info = info

    def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
        # This is a read-only object; simply return ourself
        return self

    def __getattr__(self, name):
        if name in self._known_attrs:
            return self._info.get(name, None)
            raise AttributeError(
                f'{type(self).__qualname__!r} object has no attribute {name!r}'

    def __setattr__(self, name, value):
        if name in self._known_attrs:
            raise AttributeError(f'attribute {name!r} is not writeable')
            super().__setattr__(name, value)

[docs]class ProcessorInfo(_ReadOnlyInfo, jsonext.JSONSerializable): '''A representation of a processor inside ReFrame. You can access all the keys of the `processor configuration object <config_reference.html#processor-info>`__. .. versionadded:: 3.5.0 .. warning:: Users may not create :class:`ProcessorInfo` objects directly. ''' __slots__ = () _known_attrs = ( 'arch', 'num_cpus', 'num_cpus_per_core', 'num_cpus_per_socket', 'num_sockets', 'topology' ) @property def info(self): '''All the available information from the configuration. :type: :class:`dict` ''' return self._info @property def num_cores(self): '''Total number of cores. :type: integral or :class:`None` ''' if self.num_cpus and self.num_cpus_per_core: return self.num_cpus // self.num_cpus_per_core else: return None @property def num_cores_per_socket(self): '''Number of cores per socket. :type: integral or :class:`None` ''' if self.num_cores and self.num_sockets: return self.num_cores // self.num_sockets else: return None @property def num_numa_nodes(self): '''Number of NUMA nodes. :type: integral or :class:`None` ''' if self.topology and 'numa_nodes' in self.topology: return len(self.topology['numa_nodes']) else: return None @property def num_cores_per_numa_node(self): '''Number of cores per NUMA node. :type: integral or :class:`None` ''' if self.num_numa_nodes and self.num_cores: return self.num_cores // self.num_numa_nodes else: return None
[docs]class DeviceInfo(_ReadOnlyInfo, jsonext.JSONSerializable): '''A representation of a device inside ReFrame. You can access all the keys of the `device configuration object <config_reference.html#device-info>`__. .. versionadded:: 3.5.0 .. warning:: Users may not create :class:`DeviceInfo` objects directly. ''' __slots__ = () _known_attrs = ('type', 'arch') @property def info(self): '''All the available information from the configuration. :type: :class:`dict` ''' return self._info @property def num_devices(self): '''Number of devices of this type. It will return 1 if it wasn't set in the configuration. :type: integral ''' return self._info.get('num_devices', 1) @property def device_type(self): '''The type of the device. :type: :class:`str` or :class:`None` ''' return self.type
[docs]class SystemPartition(jsonext.JSONSerializable): '''A representation of a system partition inside ReFrame. .. warning:: Users may not create :class:`SystemPartition` objects directly. ''' def __init__(self, *, parent, name, sched_type, launcher_type, descr, access, container_environs, resources, local_env, environs, max_jobs, prepare_cmds, processor, devices, extras, features, time_limit): getlogger().debug(f'Initializing system partition {name!r}') self._parent_system = parent self._name = name self._sched_type = sched_type self._scheduler = None self._launcher_type = launcher_type self._descr = descr self._access = access self._container_environs = container_environs self._local_env = local_env self._environs = environs self._max_jobs = max_jobs self._prepare_cmds = prepare_cmds self._resources = {r['name']: r['options'] for r in resources} self._processor = ProcessorInfo(processor) self._devices = [DeviceInfo(d) for d in devices] self._extras = extras self._features = features self._time_limit = time_limit @property def access(self): '''The scheduler options for accessing this system partition. :type: :class:`List[str]` ''' return util.SequenceView(self._access) @property def descr(self): '''The description of this partition. :type: :class:`str` ''' return self._descr @property def environs(self): '''The programming environments associated with this system partition. :type: :class:`List[ProgEnvironment]` ''' return util.SequenceView(self._environs) @property def container_environs(self): '''Environments associated with the different container platforms. :type: :class:`Dict[str, Environment]` ''' return util.MappingView(self._container_environs) @property def fullname(self): '''Return the fully-qualified name of this partition. The fully-qualified name is of the form ``<parent-system-name>:<partition-name>``. :type: :class:`str` ''' return f'{self._parent_system}:{self._name}' @property def local_env(self): '''The local environment associated with this partition. :type: :class:`Environment` ''' return self._local_env @property def max_jobs(self): '''The maximum number of concurrent jobs allowed on this partition. :type: integral ''' return self._max_jobs @property def time_limit(self): '''The time limit that will be used when submitting jobs to this partition. :type: :class:`str` or :obj:`None` .. versionadded:: 3.11.0 ''' return self._time_limit @property def prepare_cmds(self): '''Commands to be emitted before loading the modules. :type: :class:`List[str]` ''' return self._prepare_cmds @property def name(self): '''The name of this partition. :type: :class:`str` ''' return self._name @property def resources(self): '''The resources template strings associated with this partition. This is a dictionary, where the key is the name of a resource and the value is the scheduler options or directives associated with this resource. :type: :class:`Dict[str, List[str]]` ''' return util.MappingView(self._resources) @property def scheduler(self): '''The backend scheduler of this partition. :type: :class:`reframe.core.schedulers.JobScheduler`. .. note:: .. versionchanged:: 2.8 Prior versions returned a string representing the scheduler and job launcher combination. .. versionchanged:: 3.2 The property now stores a :class:`JobScheduler` instance. ''' if self._scheduler is None: self._scheduler = self._sched_type() return self._scheduler @property def launcher_type(self): '''The type of the backend launcher of this partition. .. versionadded:: 3.2 :type: a subclass of :class:`reframe.core.launchers.JobLauncher`. ''' return self._launcher_type @property def launcher(self): '''See :attr:`launcher_type`. .. deprecated:: 3.2 Please use :attr:`launcher_type` instead. ''' from reframe.core.warnings import user_deprecation_warning user_deprecation_warning("the 'launcher' attribute is deprecated; " "please use 'launcher_type' instead") return self.launcher_type def get_resource(self, name, **values): '''Instantiate managed resource ``name`` with ``value``. :meta private: ''' ret = [] for r in self._resources.get(name, []): try: ret.append(r.format(**values)) except KeyError: pass return ret
[docs] def environment(self, name): '''Return the partition environment named ``name``.''' for e in self.environs: if == name: return e return None
@property def processor(self): '''Processor information for the current partition. .. versionadded:: 3.5.0 :type: :class:`` ''' return self._processor @property def devices(self): '''A list of devices in the current partition. .. versionadded:: 3.5.0 :type: :class:`List[]` ''' return self._devices @property def extras(self): '''User defined properties associated with this partition. These extras are defined in the configuration. .. versionadded:: 3.5.0 :type: :class:`Dict[str, object]` ''' return self._extras @property def features(self): '''User defined features associated with this partition. These features are defined in the configuration. .. versionadded:: 3.11.0 :type: :class:`List[str]` ''' return self._features
[docs] def select_devices(self, devtype): '''Return all devices of the requested type: :arg devtype: The type of the device info objects to return. :returns: A list of :class:`DeviceInfo` objects of the specified type. ''' return [d for d in self.devices if d.device_type == devtype]
def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, type(self)): return NotImplemented return (self._name == and self._sched_type == other._sched_type and self._launcher_type == other._launcher_type and self._access == other._access and self._environs == other._environs and self._resources == other._resources and self._local_env == other._local_env) def __hash__(self): return hash(self.fullname)
[docs] def json(self): '''Return a JSON object representing this system partition.''' return { 'name': self._name, 'descr': self._descr, 'scheduler': self._sched_type.registered_name, 'launcher': self._launcher_type.registered_name, 'access': self._access, 'container_platforms': [ { 'type': ctype, 'modules': [m for m in cpenv.modules], 'variables': [[n, v] for n, v in cpenv.variables.items()] } for ctype, cpenv in self._container_environs.items() ], 'modules': [m for m in self._local_env.modules], 'variables': [[n, v] for n, v in self._local_env.variables.items()], 'environs': [ for e in self._environs], 'max_jobs': self._max_jobs, 'resources': [ { 'name': name, 'options': options } for name, options in self._resources.items() ] }
def __str__(self): return json.dumps(self.json(), indent=2)
[docs]class System(jsonext.JSONSerializable): '''A representation of a system inside ReFrame. .. warning:: Users may not create :class:`System` objects directly. ''' def __init__(self, name, descr, hostnames, modules_system, preload_env, prefix, outputdir, resourcesdir, stagedir, partitions): getlogger().debug(f'Initializing system {name!r}') self._name = name self._descr = descr self._hostnames = hostnames self._modules_system = ModulesSystem.create(modules_system) self._preload_env = preload_env self._prefix = prefix self._outputdir = outputdir self._resourcesdir = resourcesdir self._stagedir = stagedir self._partitions = partitions @classmethod def create(cls, site_config): # Create the whole system hierarchy from bottom up sysname = site_config.get('systems/0/name') partitions = [] config_save = site_config.subconfig_system for p in site_config.get('systems/0/partitions'): site_config.select_subconfig(f'{sysname}:{p["name"]}') partid = f"systems/0/partitions/@{p['name']}" part_name = site_config.get(f'{partid}/name') part_sched = getscheduler(site_config.get(f'{partid}/scheduler')) part_launcher = getlauncher(site_config.get(f'{partid}/launcher')) part_container_environs = {} for i, p in enumerate( site_config.get(f'{partid}/container_platforms') ): ctype = p['type'] part_container_environs[ctype] = Environment( name=f'__rfm_env_{ctype}', modules=site_config.get( f'{partid}/container_platforms/{i}/modules' ), variables=site_config.get( f'{partid}/container_platforms/{i}/variables' ) ) env_patt = site_config.get('general/0/valid_env_names') or [r'.*'] part_environs = [ ProgEnvironment( name=e, modules=site_config.get(f'environments/@{e}/modules'), variables=site_config.get(f'environments/@{e}/variables'), extras=site_config.get(f'environments/@{e}/extras'), features=site_config.get(f'environments/@{e}/features'), cc=site_config.get(f'environments/@{e}/cc'), cxx=site_config.get(f'environments/@{e}/cxx'), ftn=site_config.get(f'environments/@{e}/ftn'), cppflags=site_config.get(f'environments/@{e}/cppflags'), cflags=site_config.get(f'environments/@{e}/cflags'), cxxflags=site_config.get(f'environments/@{e}/cxxflags'), fflags=site_config.get(f'environments/@{e}/fflags'), ldflags=site_config.get(f'environments/@{e}/ldflags') ) for e in site_config.get(f'{partid}/environs') if any(re.match(pattern, e) for pattern in env_patt) ] partitions.append( SystemPartition( parent=site_config.get('systems/0/name'), name=part_name, sched_type=part_sched, launcher_type=part_launcher, descr=site_config.get(f'{partid}/descr'), access=site_config.get(f'{partid}/access'), resources=site_config.get(f'{partid}/resources'), environs=part_environs, container_environs=part_container_environs, local_env=Environment( name=f'__rfm_env_{part_name}', modules=site_config.get(f'{partid}/modules'), variables=site_config.get(f'{partid}/variables') ), max_jobs=site_config.get(f'{partid}/max_jobs'), prepare_cmds=site_config.get(f'{partid}/prepare_cmds'), processor=site_config.get(f'{partid}/processor'), devices=site_config.get(f'{partid}/devices'), extras=site_config.get(f'{partid}/extras'), features=site_config.get(f'{partid}/features'), time_limit=site_config.get(f'{partid}/time_limit') ) ) # Restore configuration, but ignore unresolved sections or # configuration parameters at the system level; if we came up to this # point, then all is good at the partition level, which is enough. site_config.select_subconfig(config_save, ignore_resolve_errors=True) return System( name=sysname, descr=site_config.get('systems/0/descr'), hostnames=site_config.get('systems/0/hostnames'), modules_system=site_config.get('systems/0/modules_system'), preload_env=Environment( name=f'__rfm_env_{sysname}', modules=site_config.get('systems/0/modules'), variables=site_config.get('systems/0/variables') ), prefix=site_config.get('systems/0/prefix'), outputdir=site_config.get('systems/0/outputdir'), resourcesdir=site_config.get('systems/0/resourcesdir'), stagedir=site_config.get('systems/0/stagedir'), partitions=partitions ) @property def name(self): '''The name of this system. :type: :class:`str` ''' return self._name @property def descr(self): '''The description of this system. :type: :class:`str` ''' return self._descr @property def hostnames(self): '''The hostname patterns associated with this system. :type: :class:`List[str]` ''' return self._hostnames @property def modules_system(self): '''The modules system name associated with this system. :type: :class:`reframe.core.modules.ModulesSystem` ''' return self._modules_system @property def preload_environ(self): '''The environment to load whenever ReFrame runs on this system. .. versionadded:: 2.19 :type: :class:`reframe.core.environments.Environment` ''' return self._preload_env @property def prefix(self): '''The ReFrame prefix associated with this system. :type: :class:`str` ''' return self._prefix @property def stagedir(self): '''The ReFrame stage directory prefix associated with this system. :type: :class:`str` ''' return self._stagedir @property def outputdir(self): '''The ReFrame output directory prefix associated with this system. :type: :class:`str` ''' return self._outputdir @property def resourcesdir(self): '''Global resources directory for this system. This directory may be used for storing large files related to regression tests. The value of this directory is controlled by the `resourcesdir <[].resourcesdir>`__ configuration parameter. :type: :class:`str` ''' return self._resourcesdir @property def partitions(self): '''The system partitions associated with this system. :type: :class:`List[SystemPartition]` ''' return util.SequenceView(self._partitions) def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, type(self)): return NotImplemented return (self._name == other._name and self._hostnames == other._hostnames and self._partitions == other._partitions)
[docs] def json(self): '''Return a JSON object representing this system.''' return { 'name': self._name, 'descr': self._descr, 'hostnames': self._hostnames, 'modules_system':, 'modules': [m for m in self._preload_env.modules], 'variables': [ [name, value] for name, value in self._preload_env.variables.items() ], 'prefix': self._prefix, 'outputdir': self._outputdir, 'stagedir': self._stagedir, 'resourcesdir': self._resourcesdir, 'partitions': [p.json() for p in self._partitions] }
def __str__(self): return json.dumps(self.json(), indent=2) def __repr__(self): return ( f'{type(self).__name__}( ' f'name={self._name!r}, descr={self._descr!r}, ' f'hostnames={self._hostnames!r}, ' f'modules_system={!r}, ' f'preload_env={self._preload_env!r}, prefix={self._prefix!r}, ' f'outputdir={self._outputdir!r}, ' f'resourcesdir={self._resourcesdir!r}, ' f'stagedir={self._stagedir!r}, partitions={self._partitions!r})' )