Tutorial 1: Getting Started with ReFrame

New in version 3.1.

This tutorial will give you a first overview of ReFrame and will acquaint you with its basic concepts. We will start with a simple “Hello, World!” test running with the default configuration and we will expand the example along the way. We will also explore performance tests and port our tests to an HPC cluster. The examples of this tutorial can be found under tutorials/basics/.

Getting Ready

All you need to start off with this tutorial is to have installed ReFrame. If you haven’t done so yet, all you need is Python 3.6 and above and to follow the steps below:

git clone https://github.com/eth-cscs/reframe.git
cd reframe
./bin/reframe -V

We’re now good to go!

The “Hello, World!” test

As simple as it may sound, a series of “naive” “Hello, World!” tests can reveal lots of regressions in the programming environment of HPC clusters, but the bare minimum of those also serves perfectly the purpose of starting this tutorial. Here is its C version:

cat tutorials/basics/hello/src/hello.c
#include <stdio.h>

int main()
    printf("Hello, World!\n");
    return 0;

And here is the ReFrame version of it:

cat tutorials/basics/hello/hello1.py
import reframe as rfm
import reframe.utility.sanity as sn

class HelloTest(rfm.RegressionTest):
    valid_systems = ['*']
    valid_prog_environs = ['*']
    sourcepath = 'hello.c'
    executable_opts = ['> hello.out']
    sanity_patterns = sn.assert_found(r'Hello, World\!', 'hello.out')

Regression tests in ReFrame are specially decorated classes that ultimately derive from RegressionTest. The @simple_test decorator registers a test class with ReFrame and makes it available to the framework. The test variables are essentially attributes of the test class and can be defined directly in the class body. Each test must always set the valid_systems and valid_prog_environs attributes. These define the systems and/or system partitions that this test is allowed to run on, as well as the programming environments that it is valid for. A programming environment is essentially a compiler toolchain. We will see later on in the tutorial how a programming environment can be defined. The generic configuration of ReFrame assumes a single programming environment named builtin which comprises a C compiler that can be invoked with cc. In this particular test we set both these attributes to ['*'], essentially allowing this test to run everywhere.

A ReFrame test must either define an executable to execute or a source file (or source code) to be compiled. In this example, it is enough to define the source file of our hello program. ReFrame knows the executable that was produced and will use that to run the test. In this example, we redirect the executable’s output into a file by defining the optional variable executable_opts. This output redirection is not strictly necessary and it is just done here to keep this first example as intuitive as possible.

Finally, each regression test must always define the sanity_patterns attribute. This is a lazily evaluated expression that asserts the sanity of the test. In this particular case, we ask ReFrame to check that the executable has produced the desired phrase into the output file hello.out. Note that ReFrame does not determine the success of a test by its exit code. Instead, the assessment of success is responsibility of the test itself.

Before running the test let’s inspect the directory structure surrounding it:

├── hello1.py
└── src
    └── hello.c

Our test is hello1.py and its resources, i.e., the hello.c source file, are located inside the src/ subdirectory. If not specified otherwise, the sourcepath attribute is always resolved relative to src/. There is full flexibility in organizing the tests. Multiple tests may be defined in a single file or they may be split in multiple files. Similarly, several tests may share the same resources directory or they can simply have their own.

Now it’s time to run our first test:

./bin/reframe -c tutorials/basics/hello/hello1.py -r
[ReFrame Setup]
  version:           3.3-dev0 (rev: 5d246bff)
  command:           './bin/reframe -c tutorials/basics/hello/hello1.py -r'
  launched by:       user@tresa.local
  working directory: '/Users/user/Repositories/reframe'
  settings file:     '<builtin>'
  check search path: '/Users/user/Repositories/reframe/tutorials/basics/hello/hello1.py'
  stage directory:   '/Users/user/Repositories/reframe/stage'
  output directory:  '/Users/user/Repositories/reframe/output'

[==========] Running 1 check(s)
[==========] Started on Mon Oct 12 18:23:30 2020

[----------] started processing HelloTest (HelloTest)
[ RUN      ] HelloTest on generic:default using builtin
[----------] finished processing HelloTest (HelloTest)

[----------] waiting for spawned checks to finish
[       OK ] (1/1) HelloTest on generic:default using builtin [compile: 0.389s run: 0.406s total: 0.811s]
[----------] all spawned checks have finished

[  PASSED  ] Ran 1 test case(s) from 1 check(s) (0 failure(s))
[==========] Finished on Mon Oct 12 18:23:31 2020
Log file(s) saved in: '/var/folders/h7/k7cgrdl13r996m4dmsvjq7v80000gp/T/rfm-00lf_tbi.log'

Perfect! We have verified that we have a functioning C compiler in our system.

When ReFrame runs a test, it copies all its resources to a stage directory and performs all test-related operations (compilation, run, sanity checking etc.) from that directory. On successful outcome of the test, the stage directory is removed by default, but interesting files are copied to an output directory for archiving and later inspection. The prefixes of these directories are printed in the first section of the output. Let’s inspect what files ReFrame produced for this test:

ls output/generic/default/builtin/HelloTest/
rfm_HelloTest_build.err rfm_HelloTest_build.sh  rfm_HelloTest_job.out
rfm_HelloTest_build.out rfm_HelloTest_job.err   rfm_HelloTest_job.sh

ReFrame stores in the output directory of the test the build and run scripts it generated for building and running the code along with their standard output and error. All these files are prefixed with rfm_.

ReFrame also generates a detailed JSON report for the whole regression testing session. By default, this is stored inside the ${HOME}/.reframe/reports directory and a new report file is generated every time ReFrame is run, but you can control this through the --report-file command-line option.

Here are the contents of the report file for our first ReFrame run:

cat ~/.reframe/reports/run-report.json
  "session_info": {
    "cmdline": "./bin/reframe -c tutorials/basics/hello/hello1.py -r",
    "config_file": "<builtin>",
    "data_version": "1.0",
    "hostname": "dhcp-133-44.cscs.ch",
    "prefix_output": "/Users/user/Repositories/reframe/output",
    "prefix_stage": "/Users/user/Repositories/reframe/stage",
    "user": "user",
    "version": "3.1-dev2 (rev: 272e1aae)",
    "workdir": "/Users/user/Repositories/reframe",
    "time_start": "2020-07-24T11:05:46+0200",
    "time_end": "2020-07-24T11:05:47+0200",
    "time_elapsed": 0.7293069362640381,
    "num_cases": 1,
    "num_failures": 0
  "runs": [
      "num_cases": 1,
      "num_failures": 0,
      "runid": 0,
      "testcases": [
          "build_stderr": "rfm_HelloTest_build.err",
          "build_stdout": "rfm_HelloTest_build.out",
          "description": "HelloTest",
          "environment": "builtin",
          "fail_reason": null,
          "fail_phase": null,
          "jobid": 85063,
          "job_stderr": "rfm_HelloTest_job.err",
          "job_stdout": "rfm_HelloTest_job.out",
          "name": "HelloTest",
          "maintainers": [],
          "nodelist": [
          "outputdir": "/Users/user/Repositories/reframe/output/generic/default/builtin/HelloTest",
          "perfvars": null,
          "result": "success",
          "stagedir": null,
          "scheduler": "local",
          "system": "generic:default",
          "tags": [],
          "time_compile": 0.3776402473449707,
          "time_performance": 4.506111145019531e-05,
          "time_run": 0.2992382049560547,
          "time_sanity": 0.0005609989166259766,
          "time_setup": 0.0031709671020507812,
          "time_total": 0.7213571071624756

More of “Hello, World!”

We want to extend our test and run a C++ “Hello, World!” as well. We could simply copy paste the hello1.py and change the source file extension to refer to the C++ source code. But this duplication is something that we generally want to avoid. ReFrame allows you to avoid this in several ways but the most compact is to define the new test as follows:

cat tutorials/basics/hello/hello2.py
import reframe as rfm
import reframe.utility.sanity as sn

class HelloMultiLangTest(rfm.RegressionTest):
    lang = parameter(['c', 'cpp'])

    valid_systems = ['*']
    valid_prog_environs = ['*']
    executable_opts = ['> hello.out']
    sanity_patterns = sn.assert_found(r'Hello, World\!', 'hello.out')

    def set_sourcepath(self):
        self.sourcepath = f'hello.{self.lang}'

This test extends the hello1.py test by defining the lang parameter with the parameter() built-in. This parameter will cause as many instantiations as parameter values available, each one setting the lang attribute to one single value. Hence, this example will create two test instances, one with lang='c' and another with lang='cpp'. The parameter is available as an attribute of the test instance and, in this example, we use it to set the extension of the source file. However, at the class level, a test parameter holds all the possible values for itself, and this is only assigned a single value after the class is instantiated. Therefore, the variable sourcepath, which depends on this parameter, also needs to be set after the class instantiation. The simplest way to do this would be to move the sourcepath assignment into the __init__() method as shown in the code snippet below, but this has some disadvantages when writing larger tests.

def __init__(self):
    self.sourcepath = f'hello.{self.lang}'

For example, when writing a base class for a test with a large amount of code into the __init__() method, the derived class may want to do a partial override of the code in this function. This would force us to understand the full implementation of the base class’ __init__() despite that we may just be interested in overriding a small part of it. Doable, but not ideal. Instead, through pipeline hooks, ReFrame provides a mechanism to attach independent functions to execute at a given time before the data they set is required by the test. This is exactly what we want to do here, and we know that the test sources are needed to compile the code. Hence, we move the sourcepath assignment into a pre-compile hook.

    def set_sourcepath(self):
        self.sourcepath = f'hello.{self.lang}'

The use of hooks is covered in more detail later on, but for now, let’s just think of them as a way to defer the execution of a function to a given stage of the test’s pipeline. By using hooks, any user could now derive from this class and attach other hooks (for example, adding some compiler flags) without having to worry about overriding the base method that sets the sourcepath variable.

Let’s run the test now:

./bin/reframe -c tutorials/basics/hello/hello2.py -r
[ReFrame Setup]
  version:           3.6.0-dev.0+a3d0b0cd
  command:           './bin/reframe -c tutorials/basics/hello/hello2.py -r'
  launched by:       user@tresa.local
  working directory: '/Users/user/Repositories/reframe'
  settings file:     '<builtin>'
  check search path: '/Users/user/Repositories/reframe/tutorials/basics/hello/hello2.py'
  stage directory:   '/Users/user/Repositories/reframe/stage'
  output directory:  '/Users/user/Repositories/reframe/output'

[==========] Running 2 check(s)
[==========] Started on Tue Mar  9 23:25:22 2021

[----------] started processing HelloMultiLangTest_c (HelloMultiLangTest_c)
[ RUN      ] HelloMultiLangTest_c on generic:default using builtin
[----------] finished processing HelloMultiLangTest_c (HelloMultiLangTest_c)

[----------] started processing HelloMultiLangTest_cpp (HelloMultiLangTest_cpp)
[ RUN      ] HelloMultiLangTest_cpp on generic:default using builtin
[     FAIL ] (1/2) HelloMultiLangTest_cpp on generic:default using builtin [compile: 0.006s run: n/a total: 0.023s]
==> test failed during 'compile': test staged in '/Users/user/Repositories/reframe/stage/generic/default/builtin/HelloMultiLangTest_cpp'
[----------] finished processing HelloMultiLangTest_cpp (HelloMultiLangTest_cpp)

[----------] waiting for spawned checks to finish
[       OK ] (2/2) HelloMultiLangTest_c on generic:default using builtin [compile: 0.981s run: 0.468s total: 1.475s]
[----------] all spawned checks have finished

[  FAILED  ] Ran 2/2 test case(s) from 2 check(s) (1 failure(s))
[==========] Finished on Tue Mar  9 23:25:23 2021

FAILURE INFO for HelloMultiLangTest_cpp
  * Test Description: HelloMultiLangTest_cpp
  * System partition: generic:default
  * Environment: builtin
  * Stage directory: /Users/user/Repositories/reframe/stage/generic/default/builtin/HelloMultiLangTest_cpp
  * Node list: None
  * Job type: local (id=None)
  * Dependencies (conceptual): []
  * Dependencies (actual): []
  * Maintainers: []
  * Failing phase: compile
  * Rerun with '-n HelloMultiLangTest_cpp -p builtin --system generic:default -r'
  * Reason: build system error: I do not know how to compile a C++ program
Log file(s) saved in: '/var/folders/h7/k7cgrdl13r996m4dmsvjq7v80000gp/T/rfm-wemvsvs2.log'

Oops! The C++ test has failed. ReFrame complains that it does not know how to compile a C++ program. Remember our discussion above that the default configuration of ReFrame defines a minimal programming environment named builtin which only knows of a cc compiler. We will fix that in a moment, but before doing that it’s worth looking into the failure information provided for the test. For each failed test, ReFrame will print a short summary with information about the system partition and the programming environment that the test failed for, its job or process id (if any), the nodes it was running on, its stage directory, the phase that failed etc.

When a test fails its stage directory is kept intact, so that users can inspect the failure and try to reproduce it manually. In this case, the stage directory contains only the “Hello, World” source files, since ReFrame could not produce a build script for the C++ test, as it doesn’t know to compile a C++ program for the moment.

ls stage/generic/default/builtin/HelloMultiLangTest_cpp
hello.c   hello.cpp

Let’s go on and fix this failure by defining a new system and programming environments for the machine we are running on. We start off by copying the generic configuration file that ReFrame uses. Note that you should not edit this configuration file in place.

cp reframe/core/settings.py tutorials/config/mysettings.py

Here is how the new configuration file looks like with the needed additions highlighted:

site_configuration = {
    'systems': [
            'name': 'catalina',
            'descr': 'My Mac',
            'hostnames': ['tresa'],
            'modules_system': 'nomod',
            'partitions': [
                    'name': 'default',
                    'scheduler': 'local',
                    'launcher': 'local',
                    'environs': ['gnu', 'clang'],
            'name': 'generic',
            'descr': 'Generic example system',
            'hostnames': ['.*'],
            'partitions': [
                    'name': 'default',
                    'scheduler': 'local',
                    'launcher': 'local',
                    'environs': ['builtin']
    'environments': [
            'name': 'gnu',
            'cc': 'gcc-9',
            'cxx': 'g++-9',
            'ftn': 'gfortran-9'
            'name': 'clang',
            'cc': 'clang',
            'cxx': 'clang++',
            'ftn': ''
            'name': 'builtin',
            'cc': 'cc',
            'cxx': '',
            'ftn': ''
            'name': 'builtin',
            'cc': 'cc',
            'cxx': 'CC',
            'ftn': 'ftn',
            'target_systems': ['daint']
    'logging': [
            'level': 'debug',
            'handlers': [
                    'type': 'stream',
                    'name': 'stdout',
                    'level': 'info',
                    'format': '%(message)s'
                    'type': 'file',
                    'level': 'debug',
                    'format': '[%(asctime)s] %(levelname)s: %(check_info)s: %(message)s',   # noqa: E501
                    'append': False
            'handlers_perflog': [
                    'type': 'filelog',
                    'prefix': '%(check_system)s/%(check_partition)s',
                    'level': 'info',
                    'format': (
                        '%(check_job_completion_time)s|reframe %(version)s|'
                        'ref=%(check_perf_ref)s '
                        '(l=%(check_perf_lower_thres)s, '
                    'append': True

Here we define a system named catalina that has one partition named default. This partition makes no use of any workload manager, but instead launches any jobs locally as OS processes. Two programming environments are relevant for that partition, namely gnu and clang, which are defined in the section environments of the configuration file. The gnu programming environment provides GCC 9, whereas the clang one provides the Clang compiler from the system. Notice, how you can define the actual commands for invoking the C, C++ and Fortran compilers in each programming environment. As soon as a programming environment defines the different compilers, ReFrame will automatically pick the right compiler based on the source file extension. In addition to C, C++ and Fortran programs, ReFrame will recognize the .cu extension as well and will try to invoke the nvcc compiler for CUDA programs.

Finally, the new system that we defined may be identified by the hostname tresa (see the hostnames configuration parameter) and it will not use any environment modules system (see the modules_system configuration parameter). The hostnames attribute will help ReFrame to automatically pick the right configuration when running on it. Notice, how the generic system matches any hostname, so that it acts as a fallback system.


The different systems in the configuration file are tried in order and the first match is picked. This practically means that the more general the selection pattern for a system is, the lower in the list of systems it should be.

The Configuring ReFrame for Your Site page describes the configuration file in more detail and the Configuration Reference provides a complete reference guide of all the configuration options of ReFrame.

Let’s now rerun our “Hello, World!” tests:

./bin/reframe -C tutorials/config/mysettings.py -c tutorials/basics/hello/hello2.py -r
[ReFrame Setup]
  version:           3.6.0-dev.0+a3d0b0cd
  command:           './bin/reframe -C tutorials/config/mysettings.py -c tutorials/basics/hello/hello2.py -r'
  launched by:       user@tresa.local
  working directory: '/Users/user/Repositories/reframe'
  settings file:     'tutorials/config/settings.py'
  check search path: '/Users/user/Repositories/reframe/tutorials/basics/hello/hello2.py'
  stage directory:   '/Users/user/Repositories/reframe/stage'
  output directory:  '/Users/user/Repositories/reframe/output'

[==========] Running 2 check(s)
[==========] Started on Tue Mar  9 23:28:00 2021

[----------] started processing HelloMultiLangTest_c (HelloMultiLangTest_c)
[ RUN      ] HelloMultiLangTest_c on catalina:default using gnu
[ RUN      ] HelloMultiLangTest_c on catalina:default using clang
[----------] finished processing HelloMultiLangTest_c (HelloMultiLangTest_c)

[----------] started processing HelloMultiLangTest_cpp (HelloMultiLangTest_cpp)
[ RUN      ] HelloMultiLangTest_cpp on catalina:default using gnu
[ RUN      ] HelloMultiLangTest_cpp on catalina:default using clang
[----------] finished processing HelloMultiLangTest_cpp (HelloMultiLangTest_cpp)

[----------] waiting for spawned checks to finish
[       OK ] (1/4) HelloMultiLangTest_cpp on catalina:default using gnu [compile: 0.768s run: 1.115s total: 1.909s]
[       OK ] (2/4) HelloMultiLangTest_c on catalina:default using gnu [compile: 0.600s run: 2.230s total: 2.857s]
[       OK ] (3/4) HelloMultiLangTest_c on catalina:default using clang [compile: 0.238s run: 2.129s total: 2.393s]
[       OK ] (4/4) HelloMultiLangTest_cpp on catalina:default using clang [compile: 1.006s run: 0.427s total: 1.456s]
[----------] all spawned checks have finished

[  PASSED  ] Ran 4/4 test case(s) from 2 check(s) (0 failure(s))
[==========] Finished on Tue Mar  9 23:28:03 2021
Log file(s) saved in: '/var/folders/h7/k7cgrdl13r996m4dmsvjq7v80000gp/T/rfm-dnubkvfi.log'

Notice how the same tests are now tried with both the gnu and clang programming environments, without having to touch them at all! That’s one of the powerful features of ReFrame and we shall see later on, how easily we can port our tests to an HPC cluster with minimal changes. In order to instruct ReFrame to use our configuration file, we use the -C command line option. Since we don’t want to type it throughout the tutorial, we will now set it in the environment:

export RFM_CONFIG_FILE=$(pwd)/tutorials/config/mysettings.py

A Multithreaded “Hello, World!”

We extend our C++ “Hello, World!” example to print the greetings from multiple threads:

cat tutorials/basics/hellomp/src/hello_threads.cpp
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <mutex>
#include <thread>
#include <vector>

std::mutex hello_mutex;

void greetings(int tid)
    const std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(hello_mutex);
    std::cout << "[" << std::setw(2) << tid << "] " << "Hello, World!\n";

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    int nr_threads = 1;
    if (argc > 1) {
        nr_threads = std::atoi(argv[1]);

    if (nr_threads <= 0) {
        std::cerr << "thread count must a be positive integer\n";
        return 1;

    std::vector<std::thread> threads;
    for (auto i = 0; i < nr_threads; ++i) {
        threads.push_back(std::thread(greetings, i));

    for (auto &t : threads) {

    return 0;

This program takes as argument the number of threads it will create and it uses std::thread, which is a C++11 addition, meaning that we will need to pass -std=c++11 to our compilers. Here is the corresponding ReFrame test, where the new concepts introduced are highlighted:

cat tutorials/basics/hellomp/hellomp1.py
import reframe as rfm
import reframe.utility.sanity as sn

class HelloThreadedTest(rfm.RegressionTest):
    valid_systems = ['*']
    valid_prog_environs = ['*']
    sourcepath = 'hello_threads.cpp'
    build_system = 'SingleSource'
    executable_opts = ['16']

    def set_compilation_flags(self):
        self.build_system.cxxflags = ['-std=c++11', '-Wall']
        environ = self.current_environ.name
        if environ in {'clang', 'gnu'}:
            self.build_system.cxxflags += ['-pthread']

    def set_sanity_patterns(self):
        self.sanity_patterns = sn.assert_found(r'Hello, World\!', self.stdout)

ReFrame delegates the compilation of a test to a build_system, which is an abstraction of the steps needed to compile the test. Build systems take also care of interactions with the programming environment if necessary. Compilation flags are a property of the build system. If not explicitly specified, ReFrame will try to pick the correct build system (e.g., CMake, Autotools etc.) by inspecting the test resources, but in cases as the one presented here where we need to set the compilation flags, we need to specify a build system explicitly. In this example, we instruct ReFrame to compile a single source file using the -std=c++11 -pthread -Wall compilation flags. However, the flag -pthread is only needed to compile applications using std::thread with the GCC and Clang compilers. Hence, since this flag may not be valid for other compilers, we need to include it only in the tests that use either GCC or Clang. Similarly to the lang parameter in the previous example, the information regarding which compiler is being used is only available after the class is instantiated (after completion of the setup pipeline stage), so we also defer the addition of this optional compiler flag with a pipeline hook. In this case, we set the set_compile_flags() hook to run before the ReFrame pipeline stage compile.


The pipeline hooks, as well as the regression test pipeline itself, are covered in more detail later on in the tutorial.

In this example, the generated executable takes a single argument which sets the number of threads that will be used. As seen in the previous examples, executable options are defined with the executable_opts variable, and here is set to '16'. Also, the reader may notice that this example no longer redirects the standard output of the executable into a file as the previous examples did. Instead, just with the purpose of keeping the executable_opts simple, we use ReFrame’s internal mechanism to process the standard output of the executable. Similarly to the parameters and the compiler settings, the output of a test is private to each of the instances of the HelloThreadedTest class. So, instead of inspecting an external file to evaluate the sanity of the test, we can just set our sanity function to inspect this attribute that contains the test’s standard output. This output is stored under self.stdout and is populated only after the executable has run. Therefore, we can set the sanity_patterns with the set_sanity_patterns() pipeline hook that is scheduled to run before the sanity pipeline stage. Again, pipeline stages will be covered detail further on, so for now, just think of this sanity stage as a step that occurs after the test’s executable is run.

Let’s run the test now:

./bin/reframe -c tutorials/basics/hellomp/hellomp1.py -r
[ReFrame Setup]
  version:           3.3-dev0 (rev: 5d246bff)
  command:           './bin/reframe -c tutorials/basics/hellomp/hellomp1.py -r'
  launched by:       user@tresa.local
  working directory: '/Users/user/Repositories/reframe'
  settings file:     '/Users/user/Repositories/reframe/tutorials/config/settings.py'
  check search path: '/Users/user/Repositories/reframe/tutorials/basics/hellomp/hellomp1.py'
  stage directory:   '/Users/user/Repositories/reframe/stage'
  output directory:  '/Users/user/Repositories/reframe/output'

[==========] Running 1 check(s)
[==========] Started on Mon Oct 12 20:02:37 2020

[----------] started processing HelloThreadedTest (HelloThreadedTest)
[ RUN      ] HelloThreadedTest on catalina:default using gnu
[ RUN      ] HelloThreadedTest on catalina:default using clang
[----------] finished processing HelloThreadedTest (HelloThreadedTest)

[----------] waiting for spawned checks to finish
[       OK ] (1/2) HelloThreadedTest on catalina:default using gnu [compile: 1.591s run: 1.205s total: 2.816s]
[       OK ] (2/2) HelloThreadedTest on catalina:default using clang [compile: 1.141s run: 0.309s total: 1.465s]
[----------] all spawned checks have finished

[  PASSED  ] Ran 2 test case(s) from 1 check(s) (0 failure(s))
[==========] Finished on Mon Oct 12 20:02:40 2020
Log file(s) saved in: '/var/folders/h7/k7cgrdl13r996m4dmsvjq7v80000gp/T/rfm-h_itoc1k.log'

Everything looks fine, but let’s inspect the actual output of one of the tests:

cat output/catalina/default/clang/HelloThreadedTest/rfm_HelloThreadedTest_job.out
[[[[    8] Hello, World!
1] Hello, World!
5[[0[ 7] Hello, World!
] ] Hello, World!
[ Hello, World!
6[] Hello, World!
9] Hello, World!
 2 ] Hello, World!
4] [[10 3] Hello, World!
] Hello, World!
[Hello, World!
11] Hello, World!
[12] Hello, World!
[13] Hello, World!
[14] Hello, World!
[15] Hello, World!

Not exactly what we were looking for! In the following we write a more robust sanity check that can catch this havoc.

More advanced sanity checking

Sanity checking of a test’s outcome is quite powerful in ReFrame. So far, we have seen only a grep-like search for a string in the output, but ReFrame’s sanity_patterns are much more capable than this. In fact, you can practically do almost any operation in the output and process it as you would like before assessing the test’s sanity. The syntax feels also quite natural since it is fully integrated in Python.

In the following we extend the sanity checking of the multithreaded “Hello, World!”, such that not only the output pattern we are looking for is more restrictive, but also we check that all the threads produce a greetings line. See the highlighted lines in the modified version of the set_sanity_patterns pipeline hook.

cat tutorials/basics/hellomp/hellomp2.py
import reframe as rfm
import reframe.utility.sanity as sn

class HelloThreadedExtendedTest(rfm.RegressionTest):
    valid_systems = ['*']
    valid_prog_environs = ['*']
    sourcepath = 'hello_threads.cpp'
    build_system = 'SingleSource'
    executable_opts = ['16']

    def set_compilation_flags(self):
        self.build_system.cxxflags = ['-std=c++11', '-Wall']
        environ = self.current_environ.name
        if environ in {'clang', 'gnu'}:
            self.build_system.cxxflags += ['-pthread']

    def set_sanity_patterns(self):
        num_messages = sn.len(sn.findall(r'\[\s?\d+\] Hello, World\!',
        self.sanity_patterns = sn.assert_eq(num_messages, 16)

The sanity checking is straightforward. We find all the matches of the required pattern, we count them and finally we check their number. Both statements here are lazily evaluated. They will not be executed where they appear, but rather at the sanity checking phase. ReFrame provides lazily evaluated counterparts for most of the builtin Python functions, such the len() function here. Also whole expressions can be lazily evaluated if one of the operands is deferred, as is the case in this example with the assignment to num_messages. This makes the sanity checking mechanism quite powerful and straightforward to reason about, without having to rely on complex pattern matching techniques. Deferrable Functions Reference provides a complete reference of the sanity functions provided by ReFrame, but users can also define their own, as described in Understanding the Mechanism of Deferrable Functions.

Let’s run this version of the test now and see if it fails:

./bin/reframe -c tutorials/basics/hellomp/hellomp2.py -r
[ReFrame Setup]
  version:           3.3-dev0 (rev: 5d246bff)
  command:           './bin/reframe -c tutorials/basics/hellomp/hellomp2.py -r'
  launched by:       user@tresa.local
  working directory: '/Users/user/Repositories/reframe'
  settings file:     '/Users/user/Repositories/reframe/tutorials/config/settings.py'
  check search path: '/Users/user/Repositories/reframe/tutorials/basics/hellomp/hellomp2.py'
  stage directory:   '/Users/user/Repositories/reframe/stage'
  output directory:  '/Users/user/Repositories/reframe/output'

[==========] Running 1 check(s)
[==========] Started on Mon Oct 12 20:04:59 2020

[----------] started processing HelloThreadedExtendedTest (HelloThreadedExtendedTest)
[ RUN      ] HelloThreadedExtendedTest on catalina:default using gnu
[ RUN      ] HelloThreadedExtendedTest on catalina:default using clang
[----------] finished processing HelloThreadedExtendedTest (HelloThreadedExtendedTest)

[----------] waiting for spawned checks to finish
[     FAIL ] (1/2) HelloThreadedExtendedTest on catalina:default using gnu [compile: 1.222s run: 0.891s total: 2.130s]
[     FAIL ] (2/2) HelloThreadedExtendedTest on catalina:default using clang [compile: 0.835s run: 0.167s total: 1.018s]
[----------] all spawned checks have finished

[  FAILED  ] Ran 2 test case(s) from 1 check(s) (2 failure(s))
[==========] Finished on Mon Oct 12 20:05:02 2020

FAILURE INFO for HelloThreadedExtendedTest
  * Test Description: HelloThreadedExtendedTest
  * System partition: catalina:default
  * Environment: gnu
  * Stage directory: /Users/user/Repositories/reframe/stage/catalina/default/gnu/HelloThreadedExtendedTest
  * Node list: tresa.local
  * Job type: local (id=60355)
  * Maintainers: []
  * Failing phase: sanity
  * Rerun with '-n HelloThreadedExtendedTest -p gnu --system catalina:default'
  * Reason: sanity error: 12 != 16
FAILURE INFO for HelloThreadedExtendedTest
  * Test Description: HelloThreadedExtendedTest
  * System partition: catalina:default
  * Environment: clang
  * Stage directory: /Users/user/Repositories/reframe/stage/catalina/default/clang/HelloThreadedExtendedTest
  * Node list: tresa.local
  * Job type: local (id=60366)
  * Maintainers: []
  * Failing phase: sanity
  * Rerun with '-n HelloThreadedExtendedTest -p clang --system catalina:default'
  * Reason: sanity error: 6 != 16
Log file(s) saved in: '/var/folders/h7/k7cgrdl13r996m4dmsvjq7v80000gp/T/rfm-zz7x_5c8.log'

As expected, only some of lines are printed correctly which makes the test fail. To fix this test, we need to compile with -DSYNC_MESSAGES, which will synchronize the printing of messages.

cat tutorials/basics/hellomp/hellomp3.py
import reframe as rfm
import reframe.utility.sanity as sn

class HelloThreadedExtended2Test(rfm.RegressionTest):
    valid_systems = ['*']
    valid_prog_environs = ['*']
    sourcepath = 'hello_threads.cpp'
    build_system = 'SingleSource'
    executable_opts = ['16']

    def set_compilation_flags(self):
        self.build_system.cppflags = ['-DSYNC_MESSAGES']
        self.build_system.cxxflags = ['-std=c++11', '-Wall']
        environ = self.current_environ.name
        if environ in {'clang', 'gnu'}:
            self.build_system.cxxflags += ['-pthread']

    def set_sanity_patterns(self):
        num_messages = sn.len(sn.findall(r'\[\s?\d+\] Hello, World\!',
        self.sanity_patterns = sn.assert_eq(num_messages, 16)

Writing A Performance Test

An important aspect of regression testing is checking for performance regressions. In this example, we will write a test that downloads the STREAM benchmark, compiles it, runs it and records its performance. In the test below, we highlight the lines that introduce new concepts.

cat tutorials/basics/stream/stream1.py
import reframe as rfm
import reframe.utility.sanity as sn

class StreamTest(rfm.RegressionTest):
    valid_systems = ['*']
    valid_prog_environs = ['gnu']
    prebuild_cmds = [
        'wget http://www.cs.virginia.edu/stream/FTP/Code/stream.c',
    build_system = 'SingleSource'
    sourcepath = 'stream.c'
    variables = {
        'OMP_NUM_THREADS': '4',
        'OMP_PLACES': 'cores'

    def set_compiler_flags(self):
        self.build_system.cppflags = ['-DSTREAM_ARRAY_SIZE=$((1 << 25))']
        self.build_system.cflags = ['-fopenmp', '-O3', '-Wall']

    def set_sanity_patterns(self):
        self.sanity_patterns = sn.assert_found(r'Solution Validates',

    def set_perf_patterns(self):
        self.perf_patterns = {
            'Copy': sn.extractsingle(r'Copy:\s+(\S+)\s+.*',
                                     self.stdout, 1, float),
            'Scale': sn.extractsingle(r'Scale:\s+(\S+)\s+.*',
                                      self.stdout, 1, float),
            'Add': sn.extractsingle(r'Add:\s+(\S+)\s+.*',
                                    self.stdout, 1, float),
            'Triad': sn.extractsingle(r'Triad:\s+(\S+)\s+.*',
                                      self.stdout, 1, float)

First of all, notice that we restrict the programming environments to gnu only, since this test requires OpenMP, which our installation of Clang does not have. The next thing to notice is the prebuild_cmds attribute, which provides a list of commands to be executed before the build step. These commands will be executed from the test’s stage directory. In this case, we just fetch the source code of the benchmark. For running the benchmark, we need to set the OpenMP number of threads and pin them to the right CPUs through the OMP_NUM_THREADS and OMP_PLACES environment variables. You can set environment variables in a ReFrame test through the variables dictionary.

What makes a ReFrame test a performance test is the definition of the perf_patterns attribute. This is a dictionary where the keys are performance variables and the values are lazily evaluated expressions for extracting the performance variable values from the test’s output. In this example, we extract four performance variables, namely the memory bandwidth values for each of the “Copy”, “Scale”, “Add” and “Triad” sub-benchmarks of STREAM and we do so by using the extractsingle() sanity function. For each of the sub-benchmarks we extract the “Best Rate MB/s” column of the output (see below) and we convert that to a float.

Function    Best Rate MB/s  Avg time     Min time     Max time
Copy:           24939.4     0.021905     0.021527     0.022382
Scale:          16956.3     0.031957     0.031662     0.032379
Add:            18648.2     0.044277     0.043184     0.046349
Triad:          19133.4     0.042935     0.042089     0.044283

Let’s run the test now:

./bin/reframe -c tutorials/basics/stream/stream1.py -r --performance-report

The --performance-report will generate a short report at the end for each performance test that has run.

[ReFrame Setup]
  version:           3.3-dev0 (rev: 5d246bff)
  command:           './bin/reframe -c tutorials/basics/stream/stream1.py -r --performance-report'
  launched by:       user@tresa.local
  working directory: '/Users/user/Repositories/reframe'
  settings file:     '/Users/user/Repositories/reframe/tutorials/config/settings.py'
  check search path: '/Users/user/Repositories/reframe/tutorials/basics/stream/stream1.py'
  stage directory:   '/Users/user/Repositories/reframe/stage'
  output directory:  '/Users/user/Repositories/reframe/output'

[==========] Running 1 check(s)
[==========] Started on Mon Oct 12 20:06:09 2020

[----------] started processing StreamTest (StreamTest)
[ RUN      ] StreamTest on catalina:default using gnu
[----------] finished processing StreamTest (StreamTest)

[----------] waiting for spawned checks to finish
[       OK ] (1/1) StreamTest on catalina:default using gnu [compile: 1.386s run: 2.377s total: 3.780s]
[----------] all spawned checks have finished

[  PASSED  ] Ran 1 test case(s) from 1 check(s) (0 failure(s))
[==========] Finished on Mon Oct 12 20:06:13 2020
- catalina:default
   - gnu
      * num_tasks: 1
      * Copy: 24326.7 None
      * Scale: 16664.2 None
      * Add: 18398.7 None
      * Triad: 18930.6 None
Log file(s) saved in: '/var/folders/h7/k7cgrdl13r996m4dmsvjq7v80000gp/T/rfm-gczplnic.log'

Adding reference values

A performance test would not be so meaningful, if we couldn’t test the obtained performance against a reference value. ReFrame offers the possibility to set references for each of the performance variables defined in a test and also set different references for different systems. In the following example, we set the reference values for all the STREAM sub-benchmarks for the system we are currently running on.


Optimizing STREAM benchmark performance is outside the scope of this tutorial.

cat tutorials/basics/stream/stream2.py
import reframe as rfm
import reframe.utility.sanity as sn

class StreamWithRefTest(rfm.RegressionTest):
    valid_systems = ['*']
    valid_prog_environs = ['gnu']
    prebuild_cmds = [
        'wget http://www.cs.virginia.edu/stream/FTP/Code/stream.c',
    build_system = 'SingleSource'
    sourcepath = 'stream.c'
    variables = {
        'OMP_NUM_THREADS': '4',
        'OMP_PLACES': 'cores'
    reference = {
        'catalina': {
            'Copy':  (25200, -0.05, 0.05, 'MB/s'),
            'Scale': (16800, -0.05, 0.05, 'MB/s'),
            'Add':   (18500, -0.05, 0.05, 'MB/s'),
            'Triad': (18800, -0.05, 0.05, 'MB/s')

    def set_compiler_flags(self):
        self.build_system.cppflags = ['-DSTREAM_ARRAY_SIZE=$((1 << 25))']
        self.build_system.cflags = ['-fopenmp', '-O3', '-Wall']

    def set_sanity_patterns(self):
        self.sanity_patterns = sn.assert_found(r'Solution Validates',

    def set_perf_patterns(self):
        self.perf_patterns = {
            'Copy': sn.extractsingle(r'Copy:\s+(\S+)\s+.*',
                                     self.stdout, 1, float),
            'Scale': sn.extractsingle(r'Scale:\s+(\S+)\s+.*',
                                      self.stdout, 1, float),
            'Add': sn.extractsingle(r'Add:\s+(\S+)\s+.*',
                                    self.stdout, 1, float),
            'Triad': sn.extractsingle(r'Triad:\s+(\S+)\s+.*',
                                      self.stdout, 1, float)

The performance reference tuple consists of the reference value, the lower and upper thresholds expressed as fractional numbers relative to the reference value, and the unit of measurement. If any of the thresholds is not relevant, None may be used instead.

If any obtained performance value is beyond its respective thresholds, the test will fail with a summary as shown below:

./bin/reframe -c tutorials/basics/stream/stream2.py -r --performance-report
FAILURE INFO for StreamWithRefTest
  * Test Description: StreamWithRefTest
  * System partition: catalina:default
  * Environment: gnu
  * Stage directory: /Users/user/Repositories/reframe/stage/catalina/default/gnu/StreamWithRefTest
  * Node list: tresa.local
  * Job type: local (id=62114)
  * Maintainers: []
  * Failing phase: performance
  * Rerun with '-n StreamWithRefTest -p gnu --system catalina:default'
  * Reason: performance error: failed to meet reference: Copy=24586.5, expected 55200 (l=52440.0, u=57960.0)

Examining the performance logs

ReFrame has a powerful mechanism for logging its activities as well as performance data. It supports different types of log channels and it can send data simultaneously in any number of them. For example, performance data might be logged in files and the same time being sent to Syslog or to a centralized log management server. By default (i.e., starting off from the builtin configuration file), ReFrame sends performance data to files per test under the perflogs/ directory:

└── catalina
    └── default
        ├── StreamTest.log
        └── StreamWithRefTest.log

ReFrame creates a log file per test per system and per partition and appends to it every time the test is run on that system/partition combination. Let’s inspect the log file from our last test:

tail perflogs/catalina/default/StreamWithRefTest.log
2020-06-24T00:27:06|reframe 3.1-dev0 (rev: 9d92d0ec)|StreamWithRefTest on catalina:default using gnu|jobid=58384|Copy=24762.2|ref=25200 (l=-0.05, u=0.05)|MB/s
2020-06-24T00:27:06|reframe 3.1-dev0 (rev: 9d92d0ec)|StreamWithRefTest on catalina:default using gnu|jobid=58384|Scale=16784.6|ref=16800 (l=-0.05, u=0.05)|MB/s
2020-06-24T00:27:06|reframe 3.1-dev0 (rev: 9d92d0ec)|StreamWithRefTest on catalina:default using gnu|jobid=58384|Add=18553.8|ref=18500 (l=-0.05, u=0.05)|MB/s
2020-06-24T00:27:06|reframe 3.1-dev0 (rev: 9d92d0ec)|StreamWithRefTest on catalina:default using gnu|jobid=58384|Triad=18679.0|ref=18800 (l=-0.05, u=0.05)|MB/s
2020-06-24T12:42:07|reframe 3.1-dev0 (rev: 138cbd68)|StreamWithRefTest on catalina:default using gnu|jobid=62114|Copy=24586.5|ref=55200 (l=-0.05, u=0.05)|MB/s
2020-06-24T12:42:07|reframe 3.1-dev0 (rev: 138cbd68)|StreamWithRefTest on catalina:default using gnu|jobid=62114|Scale=16880.6|ref=16800 (l=-0.05, u=0.05)|MB/s
2020-06-24T12:42:07|reframe 3.1-dev0 (rev: 138cbd68)|StreamWithRefTest on catalina:default using gnu|jobid=62114|Add=18570.4|ref=18500 (l=-0.05, u=0.05)|MB/s
2020-06-24T12:42:07|reframe 3.1-dev0 (rev: 138cbd68)|StreamWithRefTest on catalina:default using gnu|jobid=62114|Triad=19048.3|ref=18800 (l=-0.05, u=0.05)|MB/s

Several information are printed for each run, such as the performance variables, their value, their references and thresholds etc. The default format is in a form suitable for easy parsing, but you may fully control not only the format, but also what is being logged from the configuration file. Configuring ReFrame for Your Site and Configuration Reference cover logging in ReFrame in much more detail.

Porting The Tests to an HPC cluster

It’s now time to port our tests to an HPC cluster. Obviously, HPC clusters are much more complex than our laptop or PC. Usually there are many more compilers, the user environment is handled in a different way, and the way to launch the tests varies significantly, since you have to go through a workload manager in order to access the actual compute nodes. Besides that, there might be multiple types of compute nodes that we would like to run our tests on, but each type might be accessed in a different way. It is already apparent that porting even an as simple as a “Hello, World” test to such a system is not that straightforward. As we shall see in this section, ReFrame makes that pretty easy.

Adapting the configuration

Our target system is the Piz Daint supercomputer at CSCS, but you can adapt the process to your target HPC system. In ReFrame, all the details of the various interactions of a test with the system environment are handled transparently and are set up in its configuration file. Let’s extend our configuration file for Piz Daint.

site_configuration = {
    'systems': [
            'name': 'catalina',
            'descr': 'My Mac',
            'hostnames': ['tresa'],
            'modules_system': 'nomod',
            'partitions': [
                    'name': 'default',
                    'scheduler': 'local',
                    'launcher': 'local',
                    'environs': ['gnu', 'clang'],
            'name': 'daint',
            'descr': 'Piz Daint Supercomputer',
            'hostnames': ['daint'],
            'modules_system': 'tmod32',
            'partitions': [
                    'name': 'login',
                    'descr': 'Login nodes',
                    'scheduler': 'local',
                    'launcher': 'local',
                    'environs': ['builtin', 'gnu', 'intel', 'pgi', 'cray'],
                    'name': 'gpu',
                    'descr': 'Hybrid nodes',
                    'scheduler': 'slurm',
                    'launcher': 'srun',
                    'access': ['-C gpu', '-A csstaff'],
                    'environs': ['gnu', 'intel', 'pgi', 'cray'],
                    'max_jobs': 100,
                    'name': 'mc',
                    'descr': 'Multicore nodes',
                    'scheduler': 'slurm',
                    'launcher': 'srun',
                    'access': ['-C mc', '-A csstaff'],
                    'environs': ['gnu', 'intel', 'pgi', 'cray'],
                    'max_jobs': 100,
            'name': 'generic',
            'descr': 'Generic example system',
            'hostnames': ['.*'],
            'partitions': [
                    'name': 'default',
                    'scheduler': 'local',
                    'launcher': 'local',
                    'environs': ['builtin']
    'environments': [
            'name': 'gnu',
            'cc': 'gcc-9',
            'cxx': 'g++-9',
            'ftn': 'gfortran-9'
            'name': 'gnu',
            'modules': ['PrgEnv-gnu'],
            'cc': 'cc',
            'cxx': 'CC',
            'ftn': 'ftn',
            'target_systems': ['daint']
            'name': 'cray',
            'modules': ['PrgEnv-cray'],
            'cc': 'cc',
            'cxx': 'CC',
            'ftn': 'ftn',
            'target_systems': ['daint']
            'name': 'intel',
            'modules': ['PrgEnv-intel'],
            'cc': 'cc',
            'cxx': 'CC',
            'ftn': 'ftn',
            'target_systems': ['daint']
            'name': 'pgi',
            'modules': ['PrgEnv-pgi'],
            'cc': 'cc',
            'cxx': 'CC',
            'ftn': 'ftn',
            'target_systems': ['daint']
            'name': 'clang',
            'cc': 'clang',
            'cxx': 'clang++',
            'ftn': ''
            'name': 'builtin',
            'cc': 'cc',
            'cxx': '',
            'ftn': ''
            'name': 'builtin',
            'cc': 'cc',
            'cxx': 'CC',
            'ftn': 'ftn',
            'target_systems': ['daint']
    'logging': [
            'level': 'debug',
            'handlers': [
                    'type': 'stream',
                    'name': 'stdout',
                    'level': 'info',
                    'format': '%(message)s'
                    'type': 'file',
                    'level': 'debug',
                    'format': '[%(asctime)s] %(levelname)s: %(check_info)s: %(message)s',   # noqa: E501
                    'append': False
            'handlers_perflog': [
                    'type': 'filelog',
                    'prefix': '%(check_system)s/%(check_partition)s',
                    'level': 'info',
                    'format': (
                        '%(check_job_completion_time)s|reframe %(version)s|'
                        'ref=%(check_perf_ref)s '
                        '(l=%(check_perf_lower_thres)s, '
                    'append': True

First of all, we need to define a new system and set the list of hostnames that will help ReFrame identify it. We also set the modules_system configuration parameter to instruct ReFrame that this system makes use of the environment modules for managing the user environment. Then we define the system partitions that we want to test. In this case, we define three partitions:

  1. the login nodes,

  2. the multicore partition (2x Broadwell CPUs per node) and

  3. the hybrid partition (1x Haswell CPU + 1x Pascal GPU).

The login nodes are pretty much similar to the catalina:default partition which corresponded to our laptop: tests will be launched and run locally. The other two partitions are handled by Slurm and parallel jobs are launched using the srun command. Additionally, in order to access the different types of nodes represented by those partitions, users have to specify either -C mc or -C gpu options along with their account. This is what we do exactly with the access partition configuration option.


System partitions in ReFrame do not necessarily correspond to real job scheduler partitions.

Piz Daint’s programming environment offers four compilers: Cray, GNU, Intel and PGI. We want to test all of them, so we include them in the environs lists. Notice that we do not include Clang in the list, since there is no such compiler on this particular system. On the other hand, we include a different version of the builtin environment, which corresponds to the default login environment without loading any modules. It is generally useful to define such an environment so as to use it for tests that are running simple utilities and don’t need to compile anything.

Before looking into the definition of the new environments for the four compilers, it is worth mentioning the max_jobs parameter. This parameter specifies the maximum number of ReFrame test jobs that can be simultaneously in flight. ReFrame will try to keep concurrency close to this limit (but not exceeding it). By default, this is set to 8, so you are advised to set it to a higher number if you want to increase the throughput of completed tests.

The new environments are defined similarly to the ones we had for our local system, except that now we set two more parameters: the modules and the target_systems. The modules parameter is a list of environment modules that needs to be loaded, in order to make available this compiler. The target_systems parameter restricts the environment definition to a list of specific systems or system partitions. This allows us to redefine environments for different systems, as for example the gnu environment in this case. ReFrame will always pick the definition that is a closest match for the current system. In this example, it will pick the second definition for gnu whenever it runs on the system named daint, and the first in every other occasion.

Running the tests

We are now ready to run our tests on Piz Daint. We will only do so with the final versions of the tests from the previous section, which we will select using -n option.

export RFM_CONFIG_FILE=$(pwd)/tutorials/config/mysettings.py
./bin/reframe -c tutorials/basics/ -R -n 'HelloMultiLangTest|HelloThreadedExtended2Test|StreamWithRefTest' --performance-report -r
[ReFrame Setup]
  version:           3.4-dev2 (rev: f102d4bb)
  command:           './bin/reframe -c tutorials/basics/ -R -n HelloMultiLangTest|HelloThreadedExtended2Test|StreamWithRefTest --performance-report -r'
  launched by:       user@dom101
  working directory: '/users/user/Devel/reframe'
  settings file:     '/users/user/Devel/reframe/tutorials/config/settings.py'
  check search path: (R) '/users/user/Devel/reframe/tutorials/basics'
  stage directory:   '/users/user/Devel/reframe/stage'
  output directory:  '/users/user/Devel/reframe/output'

[==========] Running 4 check(s)
[==========] Started on Mon Jan 25 00:34:32 2021

[----------] started processing HelloMultiLangTest_c (HelloMultiLangTest_c)
[ RUN      ] HelloMultiLangTest_c on daint:login using builtin
[ RUN      ] HelloMultiLangTest_c on daint:login using gnu
[ RUN      ] HelloMultiLangTest_c on daint:login using intel
[ RUN      ] HelloMultiLangTest_c on daint:login using pgi
[ RUN      ] HelloMultiLangTest_c on daint:login using cray
[ RUN      ] HelloMultiLangTest_c on daint:gpu using gnu
[ RUN      ] HelloMultiLangTest_c on daint:gpu using intel
[ RUN      ] HelloMultiLangTest_c on daint:gpu using pgi
[ RUN      ] HelloMultiLangTest_c on daint:gpu using cray
[ RUN      ] HelloMultiLangTest_c on daint:mc using gnu
[ RUN      ] HelloMultiLangTest_c on daint:mc using intel
[ RUN      ] HelloMultiLangTest_c on daint:mc using pgi
[ RUN      ] HelloMultiLangTest_c on daint:mc using cray
[----------] finished processing HelloMultiLangTest_c (HelloMultiLangTest_c)

[----------] started processing HelloMultiLangTest_cpp (HelloMultiLangTest_cpp)
[ RUN      ] HelloMultiLangTest_cpp on daint:login using builtin
[ RUN      ] HelloMultiLangTest_cpp on daint:login using gnu
[ RUN      ] HelloMultiLangTest_cpp on daint:login using intel
[ RUN      ] HelloMultiLangTest_cpp on daint:login using pgi
[ RUN      ] HelloMultiLangTest_cpp on daint:login using cray
[ RUN      ] HelloMultiLangTest_cpp on daint:gpu using gnu
[ RUN      ] HelloMultiLangTest_cpp on daint:gpu using intel
[ RUN      ] HelloMultiLangTest_cpp on daint:gpu using pgi
[ RUN      ] HelloMultiLangTest_cpp on daint:gpu using cray
[ RUN      ] HelloMultiLangTest_cpp on daint:mc using gnu
[ RUN      ] HelloMultiLangTest_cpp on daint:mc using intel
[ RUN      ] HelloMultiLangTest_cpp on daint:mc using pgi
[ RUN      ] HelloMultiLangTest_cpp on daint:mc using cray
[----------] finished processing HelloMultiLangTest_cpp (HelloMultiLangTest_cpp)

[----------] started processing HelloThreadedExtended2Test (HelloThreadedExtended2Test)
[ RUN      ] HelloThreadedExtended2Test on daint:login using builtin
[ RUN      ] HelloThreadedExtended2Test on daint:login using gnu
[ RUN      ] HelloThreadedExtended2Test on daint:login using intel
[ RUN      ] HelloThreadedExtended2Test on daint:login using pgi
[ RUN      ] HelloThreadedExtended2Test on daint:login using cray
[ RUN      ] HelloThreadedExtended2Test on daint:gpu using gnu
[ RUN      ] HelloThreadedExtended2Test on daint:gpu using intel
[ RUN      ] HelloThreadedExtended2Test on daint:gpu using pgi
[ RUN      ] HelloThreadedExtended2Test on daint:gpu using cray
[ RUN      ] HelloThreadedExtended2Test on daint:mc using gnu
[ RUN      ] HelloThreadedExtended2Test on daint:mc using intel
[ RUN      ] HelloThreadedExtended2Test on daint:mc using pgi
[ RUN      ] HelloThreadedExtended2Test on daint:mc using cray
[----------] finished processing HelloThreadedExtended2Test (HelloThreadedExtended2Test)

[----------] started processing StreamWithRefTest (StreamWithRefTest)
[ RUN      ] StreamWithRefTest on daint:login using gnu
[ RUN      ] StreamWithRefTest on daint:gpu using gnu
[ RUN      ] StreamWithRefTest on daint:mc using gnu
[----------] finished processing StreamWithRefTest (StreamWithRefTest)

[----------] waiting for spawned checks to finish
[       OK ] ( 1/42) HelloThreadedExtended2Test on daint:login using cray [compile: 0.959s run: 56.203s total: 57.189s]
[       OK ] ( 2/42) HelloThreadedExtended2Test on daint:login using intel [compile: 2.096s run: 61.438s total: 64.062s]
[       OK ] ( 3/42) HelloMultiLangTest_cpp on daint:login using cray [compile: 0.479s run: 98.909s total: 99.406s]
[       OK ] ( 4/42) HelloMultiLangTest_c on daint:login using pgi [compile: 1.342s run: 137.250s total: 138.609s]
[       OK ] ( 5/42) HelloThreadedExtended2Test on daint:gpu using cray [compile: 0.792s run: 33.748s total: 34.558s]
[       OK ] ( 6/42) HelloThreadedExtended2Test on daint:gpu using intel [compile: 2.257s run: 48.545s total: 50.825s]
[       OK ] ( 7/42) HelloMultiLangTest_cpp on daint:gpu using cray [compile: 0.469s run: 85.383s total: 85.873s]
[       OK ] ( 8/42) HelloMultiLangTest_c on daint:gpu using cray [compile: 0.132s run: 124.678s total: 124.827s]
[       OK ] ( 9/42) HelloThreadedExtended2Test on daint:mc using cray [compile: 0.775s run: 15.569s total: 16.362s]
[       OK ] (10/42) HelloThreadedExtended2Test on daint:mc using intel [compile: 2.814s run: 24.600s total: 27.438s]
[       OK ] (11/42) HelloMultiLangTest_cpp on daint:mc using cray [compile: 0.474s run: 70.035s total: 70.528s]
[       OK ] (12/42) HelloMultiLangTest_c on daint:mc using cray [compile: 0.138s run: 110.807s total: 110.963s]
[       OK ] (13/42) HelloThreadedExtended2Test on daint:login using builtin [compile: 0.790s run: 67.313s total: 68.124s]
[       OK ] (14/42) HelloMultiLangTest_cpp on daint:login using pgi [compile: 1.799s run: 100.490s total: 102.683s]
[       OK ] (15/42) HelloMultiLangTest_cpp on daint:login using builtin [compile: 0.497s run: 108.380s total: 108.895s]
[       OK ] (16/42) HelloMultiLangTest_c on daint:login using gnu [compile: 1.337s run: 142.017s total: 143.373s]
[       OK ] (17/42) HelloMultiLangTest_cpp on daint:gpu using pgi [compile: 1.851s run: 88.935s total: 90.805s]
[       OK ] (18/42) HelloMultiLangTest_cpp on daint:gpu using gnu [compile: 1.640s run: 97.855s total: 99.513s]
[       OK ] (19/42) HelloMultiLangTest_c on daint:gpu using intel [compile: 1.578s run: 131.689s total: 133.287s]
[       OK ] (20/42) HelloMultiLangTest_cpp on daint:mc using pgi [compile: 1.917s run: 73.276s total: 75.213s]
[       OK ] (21/42) HelloMultiLangTest_cpp on daint:mc using gnu [compile: 1.727s run: 82.213s total: 83.960s]
[       OK ] (22/42) HelloMultiLangTest_c on daint:mc using intel [compile: 1.573s run: 117.806s total: 119.402s]
[       OK ] (23/42) HelloMultiLangTest_cpp on daint:login using gnu [compile: 1.644s run: 106.956s total: 108.618s]
[       OK ] (24/42) HelloMultiLangTest_c on daint:login using cray [compile: 0.146s run: 137.301s total: 137.466s]
[       OK ] (25/42) HelloMultiLangTest_c on daint:login using intel [compile: 1.613s run: 140.058s total: 141.689s]
[       OK ] (26/42) HelloMultiLangTest_c on daint:login using builtin [compile: 0.122s run: 143.692s total: 143.833s]
[       OK ] (27/42) HelloMultiLangTest_c on daint:gpu using pgi [compile: 1.361s run: 127.958s total: 129.341s]
[       OK ] (28/42) HelloMultiLangTest_c on daint:gpu using gnu [compile: 1.337s run: 136.031s total: 137.386s]
[       OK ] (29/42) HelloMultiLangTest_c on daint:mc using pgi [compile: 1.410s run: 113.998s total: 115.428s]
[       OK ] (30/42) HelloMultiLangTest_c on daint:mc using gnu [compile: 1.344s run: 122.086s total: 123.453s]
[       OK ] (31/42) HelloThreadedExtended2Test on daint:login using pgi [compile: 2.733s run: 60.105s total: 62.951s]
[       OK ] (32/42) HelloMultiLangTest_cpp on daint:login using intel [compile: 2.780s run: 104.916s total: 107.716s]
[       OK ] (33/42) HelloThreadedExtended2Test on daint:gpu using pgi [compile: 2.373s run: 39.144s total: 41.545s]
[       OK ] (34/42) HelloMultiLangTest_cpp on daint:gpu using intel [compile: 1.835s run: 95.042s total: 96.896s]
[       OK ] (35/42) HelloThreadedExtended2Test on daint:mc using pgi [compile: 2.686s run: 20.751s total: 23.457s]
[       OK ] (36/42) HelloMultiLangTest_cpp on daint:mc using intel [compile: 1.862s run: 79.275s total: 81.170s]
[       OK ] (37/42) HelloThreadedExtended2Test on daint:login using gnu [compile: 2.106s run: 67.284s total: 69.409s]
[       OK ] (38/42) HelloThreadedExtended2Test on daint:gpu using gnu [compile: 2.471s run: 56.360s total: 58.871s]
[       OK ] (39/42) HelloThreadedExtended2Test on daint:mc using gnu [compile: 2.007s run: 32.300s total: 34.330s]
[       OK ] (40/42) StreamWithRefTest on daint:login using gnu [compile: 1.941s run: 14.373s total: 16.337s]
[       OK ] (41/42) StreamWithRefTest on daint:gpu using gnu [compile: 1.954s run: 11.815s total: 13.791s]
[       OK ] (42/42) StreamWithRefTest on daint:mc using gnu [compile: 2.513s run: 10.672s total: 13.213s]
[----------] all spawned checks have finished

[  PASSED  ] Ran 42 test case(s) from 4 check(s) (0 failure(s))
[==========] Finished on Mon Jan 25 00:37:02 2021
- daint:login
   - gnu
      * num_tasks: 1
      * Copy: 72923.3 MB/s
      * Scale: 45663.4 MB/s
      * Add: 49417.7 MB/s
      * Triad: 49426.4 MB/s
- daint:gpu
   - gnu
      * num_tasks: 1
      * Copy: 50638.7 MB/s
      * Scale: 35186.0 MB/s
      * Add: 38564.4 MB/s
      * Triad: 38771.1 MB/s
- daint:mc
   - gnu
      * num_tasks: 1
      * Copy: 19072.5 MB/s
      * Scale: 10395.6 MB/s
      * Add: 11041.0 MB/s
      * Triad: 11079.2 MB/s
Log file(s) saved in: '/tmp/rfm-r4yjva71.log'

There it is! Without any change in our tests, we could simply run them in a HPC cluster with all of its intricacies. Notice how our original four tests expanded to more than 40 test cases on that particular HPC cluster! One reason we could run immediately our tests on a new system was that we have not been restricting neither the valid system they can run nor the valid programming environments they can run with (except for the STREAM test). Otherwise we would have to add daint and its corresponding programming environments in valid_systems and valid_prog_environs lists respectively.


A quick way to try a test on a new system, if it’s not generic, is to pass the --skip-system-check and the --skip-prgenv-check command line options which will cause ReFrame to skip any test validity checks for systems or programming environments.

Although the tests remain the same, ReFrame has generated completely different job scripts for each test depending on where it was going to run. Let’s check the job script generated for the StreamWithRefTest:

cat output/daint/gpu/gnu/StreamWithRefTest/rfm_StreamWithRefTest_job.sh
#SBATCH --job-name="rfm_StreamWithRefTest_job"
#SBATCH --ntasks=1
#SBATCH --output=rfm_StreamWithRefTest_job.out
#SBATCH --error=rfm_StreamWithRefTest_job.err
#SBATCH --time=0:10:0
#SBATCH -A csstaff
#SBATCH --constraint=gpu
module unload PrgEnv-cray
module load PrgEnv-gnu
export OMP_PLACES=cores
srun ./StreamWithRefTest

Whereas the exact same test running on our laptop was as simple as the following:

export OMP_PLACES=cores

In ReFrame, you don’t have to care about all the system interaction details, but rather about the logic of your tests as we shall see in the next section.

Adapting a test to new systems and programming environments

Unless a test is rather generic, you will need to make some adaptations for the system that you port it to. In this case, we will adapt the STREAM benchmark so as to run it with multiple compiler and adjust its execution based on the target architecture of each partition. Let’s see and comment the changes:

cat tutorials/basics/stream/stream3.py
import reframe as rfm
import reframe.utility.sanity as sn

class StreamMultiSysTest(rfm.RegressionTest):
    valid_systems = ['*']
    valid_prog_environs = ['cray', 'gnu', 'intel', 'pgi']
    prebuild_cmds = [
        'wget http://www.cs.virginia.edu/stream/FTP/Code/stream.c',
    build_system = 'SingleSource'
    sourcepath = 'stream.c'
    variables = {
        'OMP_NUM_THREADS': '4',
        'OMP_PLACES': 'cores'
    reference = {
        'catalina': {
            'Copy':  (25200, -0.05, 0.05, 'MB/s'),
            'Scale': (16800, -0.05, 0.05, 'MB/s'),
            'Add':   (18500, -0.05, 0.05, 'MB/s'),
            'Triad': (18800, -0.05, 0.05, 'MB/s')

    # Flags per programming environment
    flags = variable(dict, value={
        'cray':  ['-fopenmp', '-O3', '-Wall'],
        'gnu':   ['-fopenmp', '-O3', '-Wall'],
        'intel': ['-qopenmp', '-O3', '-Wall'],
        'pgi':   ['-mp', '-O3']

    # Number of cores for each system
    cores = variable(dict, value={
        'catalina:default': 4,
        'daint:gpu': 12,
        'daint:mc': 36,
        'daint:login': 10

    def set_compiler_flags(self):
        self.build_system.cppflags = ['-DSTREAM_ARRAY_SIZE=$((1 << 25))']
        environ = self.current_environ.name
        self.build_system.cflags = self.flags.get(environ, [])

    def set_num_threads(self):
        num_threads = self.cores.get(self.current_partition.fullname, 1)
        self.num_cpus_per_task = num_threads
        self.variables = {
            'OMP_NUM_THREADS': str(num_threads),
            'OMP_PLACES': 'cores'

    def set_sanity_patterns(self):
        self.sanity_patterns = sn.assert_found(r'Solution Validates',

    def set_perf_patterns(self):
        self.perf_patterns = {
            'Copy': sn.extractsingle(r'Copy:\s+(\S+)\s+.*',
                                     self.stdout, 1, float),
            'Scale': sn.extractsingle(r'Scale:\s+(\S+)\s+.*',
                                      self.stdout, 1, float),
            'Add': sn.extractsingle(r'Add:\s+(\S+)\s+.*',
                                    self.stdout, 1, float),
            'Triad': sn.extractsingle(r'Triad:\s+(\S+)\s+.*',
                                      self.stdout, 1, float)

First of all, we need to add the new programming environments in the list of the supported ones. Now there is the problem that each compiler has its own flags for enabling OpenMP, so we need to differentiate the behavior of the test based on the programming environment. For this reason, we define the flags for each compiler in a separate dictionary (flags variable) and we set them in the set_compiler_flags() pipeline hook. We have first seen the pipeline hooks in the multithreaded “Hello, World!” example and now we explain them in more detail. When ReFrame loads a test file, it instantiates all the tests it finds in it. Based on the system ReFrame runs on and the supported environments of the tests, it will generate different test cases for each system partition and environment combination and it will finally send the test cases for execution. During its execution, a test case goes through the regression test pipeline, which is a series of well defined phases. Users can attach arbitrary functions to run before or after any pipeline stage and this is exactly what the set_compiler_flags() function is. We instruct ReFrame to run this function before the test enters the compile stage and set accordingly the compilation flags. The system partition and the programming environment of the currently running test case are available to a ReFrame test through the current_partition and current_environ attributes respectively. These attributes, however, are only set after the first stage (setup) of the pipeline is executed, so we can’t use them inside the test’s constructor.

We do exactly the same for setting the OMP_NUM_THREADS environment variables depending on the system partition we are running on, by attaching the set_num_threads() pipeline hook to the run phase of the test. In that same hook we also set the num_cpus_per_task attribute of the test, so as to instruct the backend job scheduler to properly assign CPU cores to the test. In ReFrame tests you can set a series of task allocation attributes that will be used by the backend schedulers to emit the right job submission script. The section Mapping of Test Attributes to Job Scheduler Backends of the Regression Test API summarizes these attributes and the actual backend scheduler options that they correspond to.

For more information about the regression test pipeline and how ReFrame executes the tests in general, have a look at How ReFrame Executes Tests.


ReFrame tests are ordinary Python classes so you can define your own attributes as we do with flags and cores in this example.

Let’s run our adapted test now:

./bin/reframe -c tutorials/basics/stream/stream3.py -r --performance-report
[ReFrame Setup]
  version:           3.3-dev0 (rev: cb974c13)
  command:           './bin/reframe -C tutorials/config/settings.py -c tutorials/basics/stream/stream3.py -r --performance-report'
  launched by:       user@dom101
  working directory: '/users/user/Devel/reframe'
  settings file:     'tutorials/config/settings.py'
  check search path: '/users/user/Devel/reframe/tutorials/basics/stream/stream3.py'
  stage directory:   '/users/user/Devel/reframe/stage'
  output directory:  '/users/user/Devel/reframe/output'

[==========] Running 1 check(s)
[==========] Started on Mon Oct 12 20:16:03 2020

[----------] started processing StreamMultiSysTest (StreamMultiSysTest)
[ RUN      ] StreamMultiSysTest on daint:login using gnu
[ RUN      ] StreamMultiSysTest on daint:login using intel
[ RUN      ] StreamMultiSysTest on daint:login using pgi
[ RUN      ] StreamMultiSysTest on daint:login using cray
[ RUN      ] StreamMultiSysTest on daint:gpu using gnu
[ RUN      ] StreamMultiSysTest on daint:gpu using intel
[ RUN      ] StreamMultiSysTest on daint:gpu using pgi
[ RUN      ] StreamMultiSysTest on daint:gpu using cray
[ RUN      ] StreamMultiSysTest on daint:mc using gnu
[ RUN      ] StreamMultiSysTest on daint:mc using intel
[ RUN      ] StreamMultiSysTest on daint:mc using pgi
[ RUN      ] StreamMultiSysTest on daint:mc using cray
[----------] finished processing StreamMultiSysTest (StreamMultiSysTest)

[----------] waiting for spawned checks to finish
[       OK ] ( 1/12) StreamMultiSysTest on daint:gpu using pgi [compile: 2.092s run: 11.201s total: 13.307s]
[       OK ] ( 2/12) StreamMultiSysTest on daint:gpu using gnu [compile: 2.349s run: 17.140s total: 19.509s]
[       OK ] ( 3/12) StreamMultiSysTest on daint:login using pgi [compile: 2.230s run: 20.946s total: 23.189s]
[       OK ] ( 4/12) StreamMultiSysTest on daint:login using gnu [compile: 2.161s run: 27.093s total: 29.266s]
[       OK ] ( 5/12) StreamMultiSysTest on daint:mc using gnu [compile: 1.954s run: 7.904s total: 9.870s]
[       OK ] ( 6/12) StreamMultiSysTest on daint:gpu using intel [compile: 2.286s run: 14.686s total: 16.984s]
[       OK ] ( 7/12) StreamMultiSysTest on daint:login using intel [compile: 2.520s run: 24.427s total: 26.960s]
[       OK ] ( 8/12) StreamMultiSysTest on daint:mc using intel [compile: 2.312s run: 5.350s total: 7.678s]
[       OK ] ( 9/12) StreamMultiSysTest on daint:gpu using cray [compile: 0.672s run: 10.791s total: 11.476s]
[       OK ] (10/12) StreamMultiSysTest on daint:login using cray [compile: 0.706s run: 20.505s total: 21.229s]
[       OK ] (11/12) StreamMultiSysTest on daint:mc using cray [compile: 0.674s run: 2.763s total: 3.453s]
[       OK ] (12/12) StreamMultiSysTest on daint:mc using pgi [compile: 2.088s run: 5.124s total: 7.224s]
[----------] all spawned checks have finished

[  PASSED  ] Ran 12 test case(s) from 1 check(s) (0 failure(s))
[==========] Finished on Mon Oct 12 20:16:36 2020
- daint:login
   - gnu
      * num_tasks: 1
      * Copy: 95784.6 MB/s
      * Scale: 73747.3 MB/s
      * Add: 79138.3 MB/s
      * Triad: 81253.3 MB/s
   - intel
      * num_tasks: 1
      * Copy: 103540.5 MB/s
      * Scale: 109257.6 MB/s
      * Add: 112189.8 MB/s
      * Triad: 113440.8 MB/s
   - pgi
      * num_tasks: 1
      * Copy: 99071.7 MB/s
      * Scale: 74721.3 MB/s
      * Add: 81206.4 MB/s
      * Triad: 78328.9 MB/s
   - cray
      * num_tasks: 1
      * Copy: 96664.5 MB/s
      * Scale: 75637.4 MB/s
      * Add: 74759.3 MB/s
      * Triad: 73450.6 MB/s
- daint:gpu
   - gnu
      * num_tasks: 1
      * Copy: 42293.7 MB/s
      * Scale: 38095.1 MB/s
      * Add: 43080.7 MB/s
      * Triad: 43719.2 MB/s
   - intel
      * num_tasks: 1
      * Copy: 52563.0 MB/s
      * Scale: 54316.5 MB/s
      * Add: 59044.5 MB/s
      * Triad: 59165.5 MB/s
   - pgi
      * num_tasks: 1
      * Copy: 50710.5 MB/s
      * Scale: 39639.5 MB/s
      * Add: 44104.5 MB/s
      * Triad: 44143.7 MB/s
   - cray
      * num_tasks: 1
      * Copy: 51159.8 MB/s
      * Scale: 39176.0 MB/s
      * Add: 43588.8 MB/s
      * Triad: 43866.8 MB/s
- daint:mc
   - gnu
      * num_tasks: 1
      * Copy: 48744.5 MB/s
      * Scale: 38774.7 MB/s
      * Add: 43760.0 MB/s
      * Triad: 44143.1 MB/s
   - intel
      * num_tasks: 1
      * Copy: 52707.0 MB/s
      * Scale: 49011.8 MB/s
      * Add: 57513.3 MB/s
      * Triad: 57678.3 MB/s
   - pgi
      * num_tasks: 1
      * Copy: 46274.3 MB/s
      * Scale: 40628.6 MB/s
      * Add: 44352.4 MB/s
      * Triad: 44630.2 MB/s
   - cray
      * num_tasks: 1
      * Copy: 46912.5 MB/s
      * Scale: 40076.9 MB/s
      * Add: 43639.0 MB/s
      * Triad: 44068.3 MB/s
Log file(s) saved in: '/tmp/rfm-odx7qewe.log'

Notice the improved performance of the benchmark in all partitions and the differences in performance between the different compilers.

This concludes our introductory tutorial to ReFrame!