Source code for hpctestlib.microbenchmarks.mpi.osu

# Copyright 2016-2022 Swiss National Supercomputing Centre (CSCS/ETH Zurich)
# ReFrame Project Developers. See the top-level LICENSE file for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause

import os
import reframe as rfm
import reframe.utility.sanity as sn

[docs] class fetch_osu_benchmarks(rfm.RunOnlyRegressionTest): '''Fixture for fetching the OSU benchmarks.''' #: The version of the benchmarks to fetch. #: #: :type: :class:`str` #: :default: ``'5.9'`` version = variable(str, value='5.9') local = True osu_file_name = f'osu-micro-benchmarks-{version}.tar.gz' executable = f'curl -LJO{osu_file_name}' # noqa: E501 @sanity_function def validate_download(self): return sn.assert_eq(self.job.exitcode, 0)
[docs] class build_osu_benchmarks(rfm.CompileOnlyRegressionTest): '''Fixture for building the OSU benchmarks''' #: Build variant parameter. #: #: :type: :class:`str` #: :values: ``'cpu', 'cuda', 'rocm', 'openacc'`` build_type = parameter(['cpu', 'cuda', 'rocm', 'openacc']) build_system = 'Autotools' build_prefix = variable(str) #: The fixture object that retrieves the benchmarks #: #: :type: :class:`fetch_osu_benchmarks` #: :scope: *session* osu_benchmarks = fixture(fetch_osu_benchmarks, scope='session') @run_before('compile') def prepare_build(self): tarball = f'osu-micro-benchmarks-{self.osu_benchmarks.version}.tar.gz' self.build_prefix = tarball[:-7] # remove .tar.gz extension fullpath = os.path.join(self.osu_benchmarks.stagedir, tarball) self.prebuild_cmds += [ f'cp {fullpath} {self.stagedir}', f'tar xzf {tarball}', f'cd {self.build_prefix}' ] self.build_system.config_opts = [f'--enable-{self.build_type}'] self.build_system.make_opts = ['-C', 'mpi'] self.build_system.max_concurrency = 8 @sanity_function def validate_build(self): # If build fails, the test will fail before reaching this point. return True
[docs] class osu_benchmark(rfm.RunOnlyRegressionTest): '''OSU benchmark test base class.''' #: Number of warmup iterations. #: #: This value is passed to the excutable through the -x option. #: #: :type: :class:`int` #: :default: ``10`` num_warmup_iters = variable(int, value=10) #: Number of iterations. #: #: This value is passed to the excutable through the -i option. #: #: :type: :class:`int` #: :default: ``1000`` num_iters = variable(int, value=1000) #: Maximum message size. #: #: Both the performance and the sanity checks will be done #: for this message size. #: #: This value is set to ``8`` for latency benchmarks and to ``4194304`` for #: bandwidth benchmarks. #: #: :type: :class:`int` message_size = variable(int) #: Device buffers. #: #: Use accelerator device buffers. #: Valid values are ``cpu``, ``cuda``, ``openacc`` or ``rocm``. #: #: :type: :class:`str` #: :default: ``'cpu'`` device_buffers = variable(str, value='cpu') #: Number of tasks to use. #: #: This variable is required. #: It is set to ``2`` for point to point benchmarks, but it is undefined #: for collective benchmarks #: #: :required: Yes num_tasks = required num_tasks_per_node = 1 #: Parameter indicating the available benchmark to execute. #: #: :type: 2-element tuple containing the benchmark name and whether latency #: or bandwidth is to be measured. #: #: :values: #: ``mpi.collective.osu_alltoall``, #: ``mpi.collective.osu_allreduce``, #: ``mpi.pt2pt.osu_bw``, #: ``mpi.pt2pt.osu_latency`` benchmark_info = parameter([ ('mpi.collective.osu_alltoall', 'latency'), ('mpi.collective.osu_allreduce', 'latency'), ('mpi.pt2pt.osu_bw', 'bandwidth'), ('mpi.pt2pt.osu_latency', 'latency') ], fmt=lambda x: x[0], loggable=True) @run_before('setup') def setup_per_benchmark(self): bench, bench_metric = self.benchmark_info if bench_metric == 'latency': self.message_size = 8 unit = 'us' elif bench_metric == 'bandwidth': self.message_size = 4194304 unit = 'MB/s' else: raise ValueError(f'unknown benchmark metric: {bench_metric}') self.executable = bench.split('.')[-1] self.executable_opts = ['-m', f'{self.message_size}', '-x', f'{self.num_warmup_iters}', '-i', f'{self.num_iters}', '-c'] if self.device_buffers != 'cpu': self.executable_opts += ['-d', self.device_buffers] if bench.startswith('mpi.pt2pt'): self.executable_opts += ['D', 'D'] self.num_tasks = 2 self.perf_variables = { bench_metric: sn.make_performance_function( self._extract_metric, unit ) } @sanity_function def validate_test(self): return sn.assert_found(rf'^{self.message_size}.*Pass', self.stdout) @deferrable def _extract_metric(self): return sn.extractsingle(rf'^{self.message_size}\s+(\S+)', self.stdout, 1, float)
[docs] @rfm.simple_test class osu_run(osu_benchmark): '''Run-only OSU benchmark test'''
[docs] @rfm.simple_test class osu_build_run(osu_benchmark): '''OSU benchmark test (build and run)''' #: The fixture object that builds the OSU binaries #: #: :type: :class:`build_osu_benchmarks` #: :scope: *environment* osu_binaries = fixture(build_osu_benchmarks, scope='environment') @run_before('run') def prepend_build_prefix(self): bench_path = self.benchmark_info[0].replace('.', '/') self.executable = os.path.join(self.osu_binaries.stagedir, self.osu_binaries.build_prefix, bench_path)